Free plans for foam RC Airplane — RC Plans
Depron 737-400 Boeing Build *HOW TO BUILD AN RC AIRLINER* from Scratch with Foam
Piper Cub Micro — RC Plans
If you always wanted to learn how to fly RC planes but never knew where to start
Free plans for foam RC Airplane — RC Plans — Page №2
Online calculation of the center of gravity of an aircraft model. DIY Skis For RC Plane A selection of technologies for making skis for a radio-controlled model aircraft.
Old Fogey Swappable FT — RC Plans
The FT Old Fogey (old timer) scratch built foam board airplane is another addition to the Flite Test Swappable Fuselage Series! You can assemble this radio-controlled model aircraft in a couple …
Beeker - RC Plans
A selection of technologies for making skis for a radio-controlled model aircraft.
Piper J3 Cub — RC Plans
How to make Piper J-3 Cub RC Plane out of foam at home. Free plans RC Piper J-3 Cub can be downloaded in the left column of the article. Wingspan: 1,2m (47"), Flying Weight: 260g (9 oz), …
F-15 (3D Foamy) — RC Plans
A selection of technologies for making skis for a radio-controlled model aircraft.
Messerschmitt Bf.109 — RC Plans
amazing huge rc super decathlon n891db scale model airplane flight demonstration
Joytrainer mini — RC Plans
Materials and Tools: For the construction use 2 sheets of foam board of 5mm, size A1, or 3 sheets of size A2, you can use a similar material such as XPS foam. 2-3 mm thick plywood. …
Glider - RC Plans
A selection of technologies for making skis for a radio-controlled model aircraft.