16 Different Types of Phlox Plants - Garden Lovers Club
Phlox is a lovely plant that can be grown as an annual or a perennial. It is a member of the Polemoniaceae family, and it comes in more than 50 different varieties. It also comes with a variety of colorful blooms that range from a pale blue to a deep red.
How to Grow Phlox: The Complete Phlox Flower Guide - The Old …
These perennials sport copious star-shaped, colorful flowers from spring through summer, depending on the variety. Because there are so many types (many of which are native to North America), you can find a phlox for almost any garden. Truly, their versatility can’t be overstated.
How to Grow and Care for Garden Phlox - The Spruce
2024年9月24日 · Garden phlox, or tall phlox, is a low-maintenance perennial that adds a burst of color and interest to the garden with large, long-lasting blooms. Garden phlox blooms in summer and is hardy in USDA zones 4 through 8. These perennials also attract hummingbirds and …
How to Grow Phlox - Flower Varieties, Colors, Watering and Care
2022年4月11日 · Phlox come in various colors. Although purple varieties are the most popular, other phlox flowers have the following colors: pink, white, blue. Interestingly enough, phlox can be either an annual, or a perennial plant. Everything depends on which type you decide to plant in your yard. Source:pixabay.com/pl/photos/floks-floks-wieloletni-1509856/
How to Grow and Care for Phlox - The Spruce
2024年6月12日 · Colors range from white to shades of pink, purple, and blue. Most phlox will bloom in partial shade conditions. The taller varieties make excellent cut flowers and are attractive to pollinators. It is a favorite choice for cottage gardens.
Growing & Caring for Phlox Flowers in Your Garden - Garden …
2021年3月11日 · You’ll also find phlox in nearly every hue on the color wheel, even hard-to-find shades of blue. In fact, the choice of colors and cultivars is so vast, it can be daunting to choose among them. Here’s a look at some of our top picks, along with advice for incorporating phlox into your own garden.
24 Types of Phlox Flowers (With Their Characteristics)
2024年11月8日 · Phlox flowers are known for their star-shaped, five-petaled blooms which cluster in dense, rounded heads or loose panicles. Colors include a wide spectrum: white, pink, red, purple, blue, and sometimes with a contrasting eye or center. They bloom profusely, with some varieties offering scents that range from sweet to spicy.
25 Best Phlox Varieties For Your Garden - Epic Gardening
2024年7月23日 · Phlox, from the Greek for “flame,” boasts an eye-catching floral display. Here are our top 25 favorite phlox varieties! From pale pink to crimson, color-rich selections abound. Phlox paniculata is the most popular of all the species. Tall garden phlox, or flowering phlox, has showy flowers atop upright stems.
15 Beautiful Phlox Varieties - HGTV
2020年5月1日 · From woodland phlox, to moss phlox to creeping phlox, phlox comes in a range of colorful varieties and is adaptable to many gardens.
How to Grow and Care for Creeping Phlox - The Spruce
2024年7月19日 · There are many varieties of creeping phlox, including: Phlox stolonifera ‘Fran’s Purple’: This phlox features deep green leaves and rich purple flowers. Phlox stolonifera ‘Home Fires’: Bright pink flowers adorn this variety. Phlox stolonifera ‘Pink Ridge’: This variety has flowers that are similar in color to ‘Home Fires’.