When were the first Christian churches formed? - NeverThirsty
The Christian church in Jerusalem was the center of the Christian faith. It was there that the apostles were first located. The church had elders with James, Jesus’ brother, being the lead elder of the church (Acts 15:3-23). From there the truth about Jesus spread and God caused the Christian church to grow.
The Origin of Christianity - Biblical Archaeology Society
2024年9月12日 · A turning point in the Jesus movement, Peter baptizes the Roman centurion Cornelius, the first non-Jewish Christian, in Jerusalem (Acts 10), as shown in one of five baptism scenes on a 12th-century baptismal font in St. Bartholomew’s Church in Liège, Belgium. Image: Jean-Pol Grandmont.
5 Ways Women Participated in the Early Church
2023年3月19日 · The Book of Acts describes how prayer was a central part of early Christian gatherings (e.g., Acts 1:14; 12:12–27), with men and women praying together. (3) Women led hymns. First Corinthians 14:26 describes early Christian meetings: “When you come together, each one has a hymn, a lesson, a revelation, a tongue, or an interpretation.”
The Archaeological Quest for the Earliest Christians
2018年2月21日 · This is the first of two posts written by Dr. Douglas Boin on new archaeological and historical research in the study of early Christianity, drawn from his book Coming Out Christian in the Roman World: How the Followers of Jesus Made a Place in Caesar’s Empire (Bloomsbury Press, 2015).
Is the World’s Oldest House Church in Dura-Europos?
2024年8月16日 · However, one of its most famous features—the oldest house church ever discovered—may not be what it first appears. Publishing in the Journal of Roman Archaeology, two scholars have suggested that while the building is certainly the oldest place of Christian assembly ever discovered, the term “house church” is likely a misnomer.
When Was the First Communion? - Biblical Archaeology Society
2024年11月28日 · Such misuses of the Lord’s Supper factored into communion becoming more controlled and structured in the Christian Church; communion became less of a meal and more of a ritual. In his column, Shisley explores several additional reasons for this shift, one of which relates to the time of day that Christians gathered to assemble.
The Church of Laodicea in the Bible and Archaeology
2024年7月20日 · Yet the Laodicean church’s “lukewarm” legacy was not its final legacy. The church at Laodicea survived Domitian’s reign. The city became a bishopric (seat of a Christian bishop), and a Christian council was even held there in the fourth century C.E. Archaeologists have discovered about 20 ancient Christian chapels and churches at the site.
A Byzantine Church on the Temple Mount?
2025年2月3日 · Weighing a Byzantine Church. Both weights discovered during sifting were rare four keratia denominations, each weighing just 0.02 ounces, with one made of purple glass and the other of brass. These types of weights were used in the Byzantine period (c. 324–634 CE) to measure gold coins and coin fragments during transactions.
Does a Christian have to attend church every Sunday?
In sharp contrast the early church also gathered together for communion (1 Corinthians 11:23-34) in addition to corporate worship. The early church gathered together for corporate worship, communion, teaching of the Word and communion. The strongest and clearest statement in the Bible about regular church attendance is in Hebrews 10:24-25.
Ephesus — Serving God Without Your First Love - NeverThirsty
A church cannot fix this problem! This is a heart problem! It was a good, orthodox church at one time; but the hearts of the people in this church were not filled up with Jesus! Illustration of Not Loving Jesus With A “First Love” An example of a church that did not love Jesus with a “first love” was the church at Corinth.