Search by latitude & longitude in Google Maps
To search for a place on Google Maps, enter the latitude and longitude GPS coordinates. You can also find the coordinates of the places you previously found. Besides longitude and latitude, you can use Plus Codes to share a place.
Find & use location coordinates - Google Help
To find an exact location, you can use the coordinates on the map grid: In the upper menu bar, click View Grid. Ctrl + n (Windows) or ⌘+ L (Mac). The grid lines are marked with general coordinates. Exact longitude and latitude readings are in the lower right corner.
Search by latitude and longitude in Google Maps
To search for a place on Google Maps, enter the latitude and longitude GPS coordinates. You can also find the coordinates of the places that you previously found. Besides longitude and latitude, you can use Plus Codes to share a place.
Pesquisar por latitude e longitude no Google Maps
Para pesquisar um lugar no Google Maps, insira as coordenadas de latitude e longitude do GPS. Também é possível localizar as coordenadas dos lugares que você já encontrou. Além da longitude e da lati
Buscar por latitud y longitud en Google Maps
En tu ordenador, abre Google Maps. En el mapa, haz clic con el botón derecho en el sitio o en el área. Aparecerá una ventana emergente. En la parte superior, puedes ver la latitud y la longitud en formato decimal. Para copiar las coordenadas, haz clic en la latitud y la longitud.
Find imagery dates, altitude & coordinates - Google Help
With Google Earth you can find the longitude, latitude, altitude, and when images were taken of places from around the world. Find imagery dates Important: An imagery date o
Search for your destination - Waze Help - Google Help
Search for a destination using latitude and longitude coordinates. Enter numerical coordinates for latitude and longitude. Separate them with a comma. On your device's keyboard, tap the search icon or return button Example: In the United States, Disney's Epcot Center in Orlando, Florida is located at coordinates 28.375144,-81.549033
Find & share a location using Plus Codes - Google Help
Related resources Discover coordinates or search by latitude & longitude Share, send, or print directions from Google Maps
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Rechercher par latitude et longitude dans Google Maps
Pour rechercher un lieu sur Google Maps, saisissez les coordonnées GPS de latitude et de longitude. Vous pouvez également obtenir les coordonnées des lieux que vous avez déjà trouvés. En plus de la l