FIG in Traditional Chinese - Cambridge Dictionary
FIG translate: 無花果;無花果樹, (書或文件中常帶有編號的)圖,表(figure的縮寫), (詞或片語)比喻的(figurative的縮寫). Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese traditional Dictionary.
How to say fig in Chinese - WordHippo
What's the Chinese word for fig? Here's a list of translations. 使 ... 有光彩 verb. Shǐ... Yǒu guāngcǎi fig. Find more words! Need to translate "fig" to Chinese? Here are 8 ways to say it.
What is "Fig" in Mandarin Chinese and how to say it? - Drops
Learn the word for "Fig" and other related vocabulary in Mandarin Chinese so that you can talk about Exotic Fruits with confidence.
Chinese translation of 'fig' - Collins Online Dictionary
A fig is a soft sweet fruit full of tiny seeds. Figs grow on trees in hot countries.
FIG - Translation in Chinese - bab.la
Translation for 'fig' in the free English-Chinese dictionary and many other Chinese translations.
FIG in Chinese - English-Chinese Dictionary | Glosbe
Translation of "FIG" into Chinese . 部队监察长, 无花果, 無花果 are the top translations of "FIG" into Chinese. Sample translated sentence: The figs of Atush are sweet and juicy. ↔ 阿图什的无花果是甜蜜多汁的。
Figs in Chinese Traditional Medicine - FIGARA11
2021年9月11日 · According to Chinese tradition, figs are slightly cooling, and influence the stomach, lungs, and large intestines primarily. The fruit is a gentle detoxifier, a good remedy for chronic dry cough and heals many kinds of colon issues.
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