fgsfds - Know Your Meme
fgsfds (pronounced figgis-fiddis or F-G-S-F-D-S) is a saying used on imageboards and forums when a user finds the contents of the conversation ridiculous and wants to derail it. The seemingly random string of letters is allegedly meant to emulate …
fgsfds - Urban Dictionary
fgsfds is a random string produced by typing random letters with your left hand on a standard QWERTY keyboard. The reason people use there left hand is they (usually) have a mouse in the right hand.
fgsfds: Image Gallery (List View) (List View) | Know Your Meme
the original fgsfds fgsfds fgsfds meme trump-fgsfds fgsfds fgsfds trump donald trump derpald trump *angrily adjusts panties* fgsfds anime strike witches minna-dietlinde wilcke fgsfds fgsfds rozen maiden suigintou Hm? fgsfds fgsfds my little pony mlp derpy hooves blackfeathr
What does FGSFDS mean? - Answers
2022年11月8日 · fgsfds (pronounced figgis-fiddis or F-G-S-F-D-S)is a saying used when something is getting much too silly or has lost all traces of sanity
fgsfds - Know Your Meme
2021年2月14日 · PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery , 'g' to view the gallery, or 'r' to view a random video. Watch more 'fgsfds' videos on Know Your Meme!
BONG KONG - F.G.S.F.D.S. - YouTube
There’s no easy road, Everlasting serenity, Just to find some peace, In my crazy uncertainty. Disintegration, alienation, Leave the pieces on the floor. There’s no turning back, They keep calling...
Fgsfds - Slang Meaning and Examples - FastSlang
Fgsfds, huh? What a ridiculous slang term. It sounds like something a bunch of prepubescent boys would come up with while giggling in their parents' basement.
fgsfds - Urban Dictionary
2011年4月4日 · used to explain something you know nothing about or to confuse others into submission.
fgsfds - YouTube
fgsfdsvisuals - me / planoaudio - mehis: https://www.youtube.com/c/planographic/
fgsfds - lurkmore wiki
When somebody confuses you by saying something that makes no sense, simply say "fgsfds". fgsfds is commonly photoshopped onto pictures of anyone pointing their index finger in the air.