Providing feedback about Microsoft Copilot with Microsoft 365 apps
We use your feedback about using Copilot with Microsoft 365 apps only to improve Copilot. By providing feedback about your experience with Copilot, you enable us to make Copilot a better …
Basic tasks using a screen reader with the Feedback Hub
Before submitting new feedback, it can be helpful to search existing feedback to see if others have had similar experiences. Open the Home tab the Feedback Hub app. The focus is …
Send feedback to Microsoft with the Feedback Hub app
The Feedback Hub app lets you tell Microsoft about any problems you run into while using Windows devices. You can also send suggestions to help us improve your Windows …
Send feedback to Microsoft with the Feedback app on Surface Duo
The Feedback app on Surface Duo lets you tell Microsoft about any problems you run into while using Surface Duo. You can also send suggestions to help us improve Surface Duo. You can …
Feedback naar Microsoft verzenden met de app Feedback-hub
Met de App Feedback-hub kunt u Microsoft informeren over eventuele problemen die u ondervindt bij het gebruik van Windows-apparaten. U kunt ook suggesties verzenden om ons te helpen …
Inviare feedback a Microsoft con l'app Hub di Feedback
L'app Hub di Feedback ti consente di comunicare a Microsoft eventuali problemi riscontrati durante l'uso dei dispositivi Windows. Puoi anche inviare suggerimenti per aiutarci a migliorare …
Give feedback about Get Help - Microsoft Support
How to submit feedback within the Windows Get Help app, including asking for support, suggesting a feature, or giving praise.
Use a screen reader to submit feedback with the Feedback Hub
Open the Feedback Hub app from the Start menu. You hear: “Give us feedback to make Windows better.” Note: You can also start submitting a new feedback item directly by pressing the …
Give feedback in Microsoft Teams
Got a suggestion or feedback to help make Teams better? We’d love to get your input. In Teams, select Settings and more > Feedback. From here you can: Report a problem. Give a …
Give feedback on Microsoft To Do - Microsoft Support
There's no option to provide feedback within to-do.office.com but you can give feedback in the Microsoft feedback portal.