FedEx Drop Box Find a Location Near You
Drop your packages in a FedEx ® Drop Box and get it on its way without any person-to-person contact. With thousands of FedEx Drop Boxes available nationwide, you can find one at a shopping center, grocery store or FedEx Office ® location near you.
FedEx - Shipping and printing locations near you
Find solutions to all your shipping, drop off, pickup, packaging and printing needs at thousands of FedEx Office, Ship Center, Walgreens, Dollar General and Drop Box locations near you.
Drop Off Packages - FedEx
Take your package and drop off at a retail location, or if your package is under 20" x 12" x 6", you can also use a FedEx Drop Box near you. There are no additional fees for dropping off a package.
Find FedEx Drop Box locations
Bring packages too large for the drop box to the counter at a FedEx location near you. Choose from thousands of FedEx Office, FedEx Ship Center, FedEx Authorized ShipCenter, Walgreens, Dollar General, and grocery locations nationwide.
FedEx - Package delivery, pickup and drop off locations
You can easily pick up and drop off packages near you. Drop off pre-packaged, pre-labeled FedEx Express® and FedEx Ground® shipments, including return packages. With FedEx Hold at Location, conveniently redirect your FedEx package and hold for …
Ship, Hold and Receive Packages - FedEx
Ship, hold and receive packages at FedEx locations near you. Hold and pick up your packages at locations such as FedEx Office, Walgreens or Dollar General. Learn how to return a package.
FedEx - Walgreens
You can drop off a pre-labeled and pre-packaged FedEx shipment or you can pick up a package at your nearest Walgreens location. Find the photo counter or other FedEx signage in the store. A team member will scan your package if you are dropping off.
Find FedEx locations
FedEx Drop Boxes accept most letters and packages with a shipping label/air waybill. Use FedEx supplies or your own packaging to drop off Close tooltip
The Complete FedEx Drop Box Locations Guide (Quick Guide)
2019年8月9日 · Looking for a FedEx store or FedEx drop off nearby? Use our list to find the closest FedEx locations, in addition to UPS, USPS, & more!
What is a FedEx Drop Box in 2025? The Complete Guide
2024年5月7日 · A FedEx drop box is a convenient receptacle used for collecting pre-labeled packages without having to visit a staffed location. With over 50,000 drop boxes across North America, these locked collection points offer a quick and easy shipping solution.