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FBX Forum - Watermark is shown by mistake
I want a clarification about this. I heard that fbx is a free recording software. should I pay money to remove that or what? I saw some videos on the youtube that were recorded with fbx …
FBX not opening or taking a long time
@Lord-Aymor Can you make sure you're running FBX v2.7 - the "Powering up reactors" problem some users saw was fixed in that release. If this doesn't help, can you again: In Windows …
FBX Forum - Recorder wont open.
@maruvik What I did was to install Visual C++ 2017 which seemed to open the program. Either look it up and install the 64-bit version (I'm assuming you have a 64-bit system if you don't get …
FBX Forum - Stuck on Login
FBX needs to do this when it starts - check your internet connection." I've tried logging in using both Google and my email address, and I am definitely connected to the internet. Reply Quote
FBX Forum - Overlays not working on FiveM
There are multiple overlays appearing when you press F1-F10. However with FBX running I cannot open any of these overlays. However steams overlay works. Truthfully its not a …
FBX Forum - Announcements
And FBX is now officially whitelisted for any game that uses Battleye to block cheaters! It seems that the update is already live as we've tested with a bunch of games this morning and they all …
FBX Forum - Recorder wont open.
@FBX-Recorder My Recorder won't open either, Whenever I run it it says "Allow to make changes to your device?" I hit yes, It closes and doesn't open, I also tried hitting no, didn't …
FBX Forum - No overlay on fortnite
Epic added support for Battleye anti-cheat in a recent update to Fortnite and that is currently blocking FBX from recording. We've been in touch with them recently to go through the …
FBX Forum - Removing Overlay
In the FBX installation folder (c:\program files\Blueberry Software\FBX Game Recorder by default), there is a file IgnoreProcessesList.txt. This contains a list of processes that would …