约 4 个结果

The application encountered an unexpected error - Blizzard Support
Unexpected errors can happen due to outdated software, software conflicting with the game client, or corrupted game data.
Character Stuck - Disconnected When Logging In
Common Problems. I fell through the world and now I get disconnected when I attempt to access my character; I'm stuck in water and my game disconnects before I can move my character
Diablo III Locking and Crashing - Blizzard Support
Tried everything here? If the previous troubleshooting steps didn't resolve the problem, you can ask the Blizzard player community for help on the tech support forums (if available) or other …
Can't Find Next Quest - Legendary Cloak Questline
In order to unlock the Legendary Cloak you will need to complete a number of pre-requisite quest, starting with (A) An Unwelcome Advisor or (H) Return of the Black Prince.