Contact the Federal Trade Commission
Contact Number for Couriers: 301-604-3305. For Consumers. Report fraud, scams, and bad business practices at ReportFraud.ftc.gov. Report identity theft at IdentityTheft.gov. Report unwanted calls at donotcall.gov. Contact the Consumer Response Center by calling 1-877-FTC-HELP (382-4357) For Journalists. Office of Public Affairs Telephone: (202 ...
How to File a Complaint with the Federal Trade Commission
But they asked for my bank account number. I reported it to the Federal Trade Commission. Telling the Federal Trade Commission helps us stop ripoffs, scams, and fraudsters. Your complaints matter here. To file a complaint, just go to ftc.gov/complaint, and answer the questions. Or call That's all there is to it.
Bureau of Consumer Protection | Federal Trade Commission
The FTC’s Bureau of Consumer Protection stops unfair, deceptive and fraudulent business practices by collecting reports from consumers and conducting investigations, suing companies and people that
Federal Trade Commission | Protecting America's Consumers
The official website of the Federal Trade Commission, protecting America’s consumers for over 100 years.
Regional Offices - Federal Trade Commission
Since 1918, regional offices have played an integral role in fulfilling the FTC’s consumer protection and competition missions. Currently, eight regional offices covering seven geographic regions conduct investigations and litigation; provide local outreach to consumers and industry; and build partnerships with local, state, regional, and ...
Now Consumers Can Tell It To The FTC - Toll-Free
1999年7月7日 · The FTC ought to know: last year, the agency logged in over 60,000 complaints from consumers. Now, the FTC is making it easier - and cheaper - for consumers to report a fraud to the law enforcement agency through a toll-free Consumer Help Line, 1 …
FTC Announces New Fraud Reporting Platform for Consumers: …
2020年10月22日 · The Federal Trade Commission has launched a new website, ReportFraud.ftc.gov, where consumers can easily report fraud and all other consumer issues directly to the FTC. At ReportFraud.ftc.gov, consumers will find a streamlined and user-friendly way to submit reports to the FTC about scams, frauds, and bad business practices.
Report Identity Theft | Federal Trade Commission
2024年9月3日 · FTC Data Shows Consumers Report Losing $2.7 Billion to Social Media Scams Since 2021 (October 6, 2023) New FTC Data Analysis Shows Bank Impersonation is Most-Reported Text Message Scam (June 8, 2023) New FTC Data Show Consumers Reported Losing Nearly $8.8 Billion to Scams in 2022 (February 23, 2023)
Southeast Region - Federal Trade Commission
The FTC law enforcement actions resulted in orders banning defendants from selling timeshare resale services and imposed tens of millions of dollars in monetary judgments. Most recently, SER brought an action against J. William Enterprises and its owners that resulted in a judgment of $18,706,079 and permanently banned the defendants from ...
Northeast Region - Federal Trade Commission
As a result of the NER’s federal court settlements in a number of other business coaching cases, including Top Shelf, Guidance, Thrive Learning, and ITT, the respective defendants were banned from selling business coaching services and work-at-home opportunities, and approximately $4.4 million was returned to consumers.