End of the line for FT-897 | QRZ Forums
2014年6月9日 · End of the line for FT-897 CQ Ohm is reporting that production of the popular Yaesu FT-897D/DM/DS transceivers is to cease They say there no immediate plans for a successor model. The CQ Ohm shop is now selling the remaining HF/VHF/UHF transceivers for 95,000 Yen (Excluding 8% sales tax) which is $927 or £552.
Yaesu FT-818 Beginner's Guide | Page 2 | QRZ Forums
2023年3月11日 · Don't misunderstand me please, I have always loved the 897 and 817 style. They are great all around radios but, they are showing their gray hair. I have owned a FT-897 in years past and now I have FT-897D model and enjoy it. I always wanted a 817, I just never pulled the trigger on one until the FT-818 model was released.
Yaesu has it wrong! FT-891 RX/TX Current Test - QRZ Forums
2018年3月13日 · Having owned the Yaesu FT-857, and 897 in past years, the current specs for the 891, seemed somewhat off- In fact, I wondered if Yaesu simply published "worst case" numbers on the site, without bothering to publish a range of numbers which would make more sense to potential buyers.
Yaesu FT-891 Review: A Sleeper of a Deal - QRZ Forums
2017年7月6日 · True, the FT-891 has no internal tuner, while the FT-450D does, but with a resonant antenna or a strong external auto-tuner (which many supplement the 450D with, to run a wide-band antenna, anyway), the FT-891 is the more versatile rig. Improvements in DSP over the FT-450D are huge. The noise reduction actually works very well, with less tweaking.
Yaesu FT-818 Beginner's Guide - QRZ Forums
2023年3月11日 · Don't misunderstand me please, I have always loved the 897 and 817 style. They are great all around radios but, they are showing their gray hair. I have owned a FT-897 in years past and now I have FT-897D model and enjoy it. I always wanted a 817, I just never pulled the trigger on one until the FT-818 model was released.
How To Install & Test The Yaesu YF-122S SSB Filter For The Yaesu …
2017年5月5日 · Then, I plugged in a good external speaker. Suddenly, the difference was remarkable to hear when switching the filter in and out. The 897 (and I presume 857 also) also allows the filter to be used in the transmit audio path, which does make for "punchier" audio when needed for contesting or DX. Chuck, WV8A
IC-705 Go Box / 100W Amp / Duplexer / AE Switcher - QRZ Forums
2021年7月9日 · The Power supply is a repurposed Yaesu FP-30B which was made for the FT-897. For power distribution he used a RigRunner 4005H. The front panel is 3D printed and custom fit for the required switches. (Diagram) Here is the diagram of the Go Box, you may want to pause the video if you want to see more details,
How To Install & Test The Yaesu YF-122S SSB Filter For The Yaesu …
2017年5月3日 · How To Install & Test The Yaesu YF-122S SSB Filter For The Yaesu Ft-857D. Discussion in 'Amateur Radio News' started by N4CPR, May 3, 2017.
Yaesu FT-818ND now discontinued! - QRZ Forums
2022年12月28日 · Just like the discontinuation of the 100W Icom IC-706, IC-7000, IC-9100, or the Yaesu FT-897, there have been no replacements for multi-mode 100W HF/VHF/UHF radios. The hole in the market keeps getting bigger… The IC-7100 and IC-705 were not the answer! The lack of replacements have skyrocketed the used prices for the IC-706, IC-7000, IC-9100 ...
New Yaesu HF Trxcvr FT-450 - QRZ Forums
2007年3月25日 · New Yaesu HF Trxcvr FT-450. Discussion in 'Contests ... The knob is not much smaller than the 857-897.