2024年11月4日 · FIMMDA is a voluntary market body for the Fixed Income, Money and Derivatives Markets. FIMMDA has members representing all major institutional segments of the market.
Valuations - FIMMDA
FIMMDA Calculating Agent . Publication of G-sec/SDL data on FIMMDA website New; G-Sec Valuation Methodology Version 1st March 2018 New; Price Band Archive New; Click on the download button to download the appropriate file. Title Uploaded Date Download; FBIL GOI Prices including Par Yield, Special and Note on FRB and IIB as on 28 February 2025 ...
FIMMDA-Events-Annual Conference
FIMMDA have been holding Annual Conferences every year, which provide an opportunity for market professionals from the Indian Fixed Income and Derivatives markets to discuss and interact with each other, the distinguished speakers and panelists and bring the global best practices to the Indian market.
We are pleased to announce that the 24th FIMMDA PDAI Annual Conference will be held at Bali, Indonesia between April 17-20, 2025, with a full day conference on 18 th April 2025.
FIMMDA-Products & Services-CP/CD-Regulatory Notifications / …
FIMMDA Operational Guidelines on Certificate of Deposit (CD) dated December 29, 2023 FIMCIR/2023-24/004 - Circular on CP - Clarification on buyback CP - Withdrawal of …
prescribed by FIMMDA as „Operational Guidelines on CPs‟. The operational guidelines were issued on 5th October 2017. Recently, GOI announced revised stamp duty. Market developments post the last guidelines issued and clarity requested for by market participants on some paras has prompted us to revise these guidelines.
FIMMDA-Publications-Statistics-GSec / SDL Data
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FIMMDA provides them for viewing purposes, 24 th May 2021. onwards, with a lag of 7 calendar Days (168 hours) excluding the day to which the rate relates. If the publication day falls on a Mumbai holiday/non-business day, the rate will be uploaded on …
Daily Corporate Bond Spread Matrix as on 30th June 2016
Interested in becoming a Member/ Website User?contact us on: 022 - 35219216 / 35221560 / 35221764 / 35235700
FIMMDA provides them for viewing purposes, 24 th May 2021. onwards, with a lag of 7 calendar Days (168 hours) excluding the day to which the rate relates. If the publication day falls on a Mumbai holiday/non-business day, the rate will be uploaded on …