Republic F-105 Thunderchief - Wikipedia
The Republic F-105 Thunderchief is an American fighter-bomber that served with the United States Air Force from 1958 to 1984. Capable of Mach 2, it conducted the majority of strike bombing missions during the early years of the Vietnam War.
F-105雷公戰鬥機 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
越戰期間雙座的F-105F和F-105G可以說是史上第一種專門壓制敵軍防空火力的壓制戰機,可以對抗蘇聯製S-75 Dvina /(SA-2 Guideline)防空飛彈。 兩位F-105G飛行員還因為攻擊防空飛彈陣地,並同時擊落兩架MiG-17的戰功獲得 榮譽勳章 。
F-105F Thud Wild Weasels and Rolling Thunder > National …
The two-seat Wild Weasel III F-105F Thunderchief or "Thud" formed the backbone of USAF SAM suppression during Operation Rolling Thunder. The F-105 Wild Weasels continued to develop tactics, flying two types of missions -- strike support, by far the more common of the two, and "hunter-killer" search and destroy attacks.
F-105F Thunderchief | Pacific Coast Air Museum | Vietnam
Our F-105F Thunderchief is a two-seater, of the type used by Wild Weasel squadrons in Vietnam that attacked and destroyed the radars that guided enemy antiaircraft guns and missiles. The F-105 was designed as a tactical fighter-bomber that …
F-105 Thunderchief - The American Heritage Museum
The Republic F-105 Thunderchief, particularly the F-105G variant, played a crucial role during the Vietnam War as a specialized aircraft designed for the suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD). Originally conceived as a fighter-bomber, the Thunderchief underwent significant modifications to address the growing threat of Soviet-supplied ...
F-105 Thunderchief in the Vietnam War - ThoughtCo
2019年11月4日 · The Republic F-105 Thunderchief was an American fighter-bomber that earned fame during the Vietnam War. Entering service in 1958, the F-105 underwent a series of mechanical issues that led to the fleet being grounded on multiple occasions.
Republic F-105G Thunderchief - National Museum of the USAF
The F-105, nicknamed the "Thud," evolved from a 1951 project by to replace the F-84F fighter-bomber. The prototype first flew in October 1955, and Republic delivered the first production aircraft to the U.S. Air Force in 1958. Republic also developed a fully combat-capable two-seat trainer version, the F-105F, and 143 of them in 1963-1964.
Republic F-105F Thunderchief - Joe Baugher
Although originally intended as an advanced trainer, the F-105F retained the full combat capability of the single-seat F-105D, including the all-weather R-14D radar system, the AN/ASG-19 Thunderstick fire control system, and the nuclear delivery mission.
Republic F-105 Thunderchief - War History
2020年9月12日 · The F-105F was heavily committed to combat over Southeast Asia. Some were quickly adapted for the “Wild Weasel” air-defence suppression role, fitted with electronics to detect enemy radars and target air defense sites for destruction in advance of strike packages.
Republic F-105 Thunderchief - Warbirds Resource Group
F-105F,G: 28,383 lb. (12,879 kg.) Ferry Range (with Max. Fuel): 2,390 miles (3846 km) Ammunition: 1,029 Rounds. Internal Bay: Up to 8,000 lb (3629 kg) of bombs. Up to 6,000 lb. (2722 kg) of bombs. This site deals with various technical aspects of Vietname-Era aviation, primarily the aircraft.