Magnetic field vector using F = qV * B - Physics Forums
Mar 6, 2020 · Hi, I'm trying to find the magnetic field B using F = qV * B. I have F = (3i + j + 2k) N V = (-i +3j) * 10^6 m/s q = -2 *10^6 C Bx = 0 I don't know how to...
ElectroMagnetics Lenz's law vs F=qv X B - Physics Forums
Aug 25, 2014 · Hello and thank you in advanced for looking at this. I have trying to come to terms with two seemingly contradictory ideas in electro-magnetics. Lenze's law and Eddie currents seem to contradict the fundamental equation F = qv X B where F is the force exerted on a particle with charge q and...
Question on the Lorentz force: Why is the force not F=q(v×B)
Mar 17, 2023 · Background: is the equation of Lorentz force for the force acting on a moving charge in electric and magnetic field. For the magnetic field only it is : F=qv×B. Question: For magnetic field only why is the force not F=q(v×B) = F=qv×qB
What is the role of velocity in the equation F = qv x B? - Physics …
Mar 27, 2008 · In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of velocity in relation to the equation F = qv x B, where a particle with charge q and velocity v experiences a force F in a magnetic field B. The conversation explores whether the velocity used in the equation is the drift velocity or the actual velocity of the particle.
Difference between F=qE and F=q(V*B) - Physics Forums
Mar 10, 2010 · The former is the expression for the electric force acting on an object of charge q placed in an electric field of field strength E, while the latter is the expression for the magnetic force acting on an object possessing charge q moving with velocity v in the region of a magnetic field with field strength B.
Calculate Force on Particle in Uniform Magnetic Field - Physics …
Aug 25, 2010 · Homework Statement 2 A particle with charge 94.5 nC is moving in a region where there is a uniform magnetic field of 0.450 T in the positive x-direction. At a particular instant of time, the velocity of the particle has components: vx = - 1.68 x 104 ms-1, vy = - 3.11 x 104 ms-1 and vz = 5.85...
What then is in unit-vector notation - Physics Forums
Mar 29, 2007 · 1. Homework Statement In the product F = qv x B , take q = 4, v = 2.0i + 4.0j + 6.0k and F= 136i -176j + 72k. What then is in unit-vector notation if Bx = By? 2. Homework Equations 136i-176j+72k = 8i+16j+24k X Bxi+Byj+Bzk 3. The Attempt at a Solution I am stuck with the above...
Is Magnetic force conservative? - Physics Forums
Nov 7, 2015 · The work done by magnetic force, F=qv\times B, is zero. Can we infer that the magnetic force is conservative? If so, how can we show that \nabla \times F=0
What then is in unit-vector notation if Bx = By? - Physics Forums
Mar 29, 2007 · In the product F = qv x B , take q = 4, v = 2.0i + 4.0j + 6.0k and F= 136i -176j + 72k. What then is in unit-vector notation if Bx = By? Homework Equations 136i-176j+72k = 8i+16j+24k + Bxi+Byj+Bzk The Attempt at a Solution I am stuck with the above equation. How do I solve for Bxi, Byj and Bzk?
Few questions about Lorentz force - Physics Forums
Sep 26, 2016 · I have some confusion about the Lorentz force. First of all, I found that there are two equations for the Lorentz force: one of them is F = qE + qv × B , and the other one is just F = qv × B . What's the difference between them and how do you know which one to use? My other question is: Is the...