F-84F has no business being BR 8.3 - Aircraft - War Thunder
2023年9月24日 · Recently I’ve spaded entire US V tier of early jets /air RB, and I could make few remarks or minor inconsistencies but F-84F sticks out like a sore thumb. 8.3 is BR when big …
F-84F should be moved down to 7.7 - Official Forum
2024年6月17日 · The F-84F is legitimately the saddest plane I have ever seen in all of Warthunder. How about we compare it to the 7.7 F-84 yeah? It’s acceleration is far worse so …
Why is the American F-84F the only one to keep its air spawn?
2023年9月19日 · Removing the air spawn was an excellent choice, as it could intercept other air spawn planes and bombers, and get to bases first, making it too useful for the team. However, …
Why is the American F-84F the only one to keep its air spawn?
2024年4月25日 · Gaijin should make all F-84F to be rank 5 or change the braindead simple logic that all rank 6-8 lose airspawn. An F-84F without airspawn is totally useless for base bombing, …
Why is the American F-84F the only one to keep its air spawn?
2024年11月2日 · The F-84F is the successor and upgraded variant of the F-84G. But the F-84G actually does have a significant edge over the F-84F’s terrible acceleration (which as one user …
F-84F thunderstreak's air spawn - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年3月2日 · for some reason only the US variant of the f-84f seems to get an airspawn despite the aircraft appearing in 4 tech trees and in 5th one as a premium and having identical …
CCRP for bases not working - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年10月1日 · The F-84F. There was a patch a few weeks ago, where the CCIP for guns was removed. But accidentally, I guess, they also removed the CCRP for bombs.
Why is Gajin removing the F4D's fire control radar in next major …
2024年12月11日 · Their reasoning is that since the F-100 used the same gunsight and doesn’t have CCIP that the F-84F also shouldn’t have CCIP. It’s a complete twisting of the truth, as the …
Why is the American F-84F the only one to keep its air spawn?
2024年4月15日 · Does the American F-84F still have its air spawn? I was about to grind it out but in test flight it starts on the tarmac. All of the other current air spawn vehicles like the American …
The F84F: Better than the MiG-15 - War Thunder - Official Forum
2024年12月8日 · That’s just the Mig-15s (as well as the Sabres/mig-17s) being undertiered, combined with the F-84F kinda sucking in general. Moving the F-84F down or giving all F-84Fs …