Fokker F27 Friendship - Wikipedia
The Fokker F27 Friendship is a turboprop airliner developed and manufactured by the Dutch aircraft manufacturer Fokker. It is the most numerous post-war aircraft manufactured in the Netherlands; the F27 was also one of the most successful European airliners of its era.
Fairchild F-27 - Wikipedia
The Fairchild F-27 and Fairchild Hiller FH-227 are versions of the Fokker F27 Friendship twin-engined, turboprop, passenger aircraft formerly manufactured under license by Fairchild Hiller in the United States. The Fairchild F-27 was similar to the standard Fokker F27, while the FH-227 was an independently developed, stretched version.
F-27“友谊”是 荷兰 前福克-联合航空技术公司(现福克公司)研制的双发涡桨式军、民两用 运输机。 两架原型机分别于1955年11月24日和1957年1月29日首次试飞,生产型飞机1958年11月开始交付使用。 为生产福克50,F-27各型均于1986年底停产。 到1986年6月23日,F-27各型销售量达786架(包括 美国 费尔柴尔德 工业公司仿制的205架),有63个国家和地区的168个用户使用该机。 飞机单价650万美元 (Mk500型,1983年)。 [1]
福克F27 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
福克F27友誼式客機 (Fokker F27 "Friendship")是一款由 荷蘭 飛機製造商 福克 生產的 渦輪螺旋槳 飛機,屬32座等級的小型客機,經常被用於區域性或離島航線等航程較短的路線。 Fokker F27的设计阶段始于1950年代初,原定作为 DC-3 替代型号机种。 生产商衡量了好几种原型,最后选定高机翼,双 劳斯莱斯 道蒂发动机,加压机舱的28座设计。 首架原型机PH-NIV1955年11月24日试飞成功。 第一架针对尾重缺点,該飛機配備兩台達特507引擎,載客量達28人,註冊編 …
The Story Of The US-Built Fairchild F-27 Turboprop - Simple Flying
2024年2月9日 · The F-27 Friendship was a popular turboprop airliner produced by the Dutch manufacturer Fokker between 1955 and 1987. First taking to the skies for a commercial airline on November 19, 1958, the plane was set to become a mainstay of …
Fokker F-27 & Fairchild F-27 & FH-227 - Airliners.net
With the aid of Dutch government funding the P275 evolved into the F-27, which first flew on November 24 1955. This original prototype was powered by Dart 507s and would have seated 28, by the time the second prototype had flown (in January …
Everything You Need To Know About The Fokker F27 - Simple Flying
2023年8月31日 · The twin-turboprop Fokker F27' Friendship' airliner represents part of a historic period for the world of commercial aviation during the post-war years. Production began in 1955, but it wasn't only the Dutch powerhouse of Fokker that would work on the program.
2024年8月15日 · 在接获客机遭劫持的讯息后,韩国空军迅速调派两架 f-5a 出动。仅用时 15 分钟,这两架战机就追上了被劫持的 f-27 。
F-27 - 搜狗百科
2024年9月26日 · F-27“友谊”是荷兰前福克-联合航空技术公司(现福克公司)研制的双发涡桨式军、民两用运输机。 两架原型机分别于1955年11月24日和1957年1月29日首次试飞,生产型飞机1958年11月开始交付使用。 为生产福克50,F-27各型均于1986年底停产。 到1986年6月23日,F-27各型销售量达786架(包括美国费尔柴尔德工业公司仿制的205架),有63个国家和地区的168个用户使用该机。 飞机单价650万美元 (Mk500型,1983年)。 [1]
포커 F27 - 나무위키
2024年3月6日 · [1] 무려 1958년 식으로, 이후 보존되어 현재도 비행이 가능하다고 한다. [2] . 개발 과정에서 점점 동체가 길어지면서, 최초 양산형인 F27-100은 44인승으로 확장되었다. [3] . HL5211, 대한항공 최후의 F27로 NC 도색을 적용한 유일한 F27이었다. 이 저작물은 CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 KR 에 따라 이용할 수 있습니다. (단, 라이선스가 명시된 일부 문서 및 삽화 제외) 기여하신 문서의 저작권은 각 기여자에게 있으며, 각 기여자는 기여하신 부분의 저작권을 갖습니다. 나무위키는 백과사전이 …