Eyesmon: Scatter Mode Preview for Digimon Card Game Booster …
2024年4月26日 · Eyesmon: Scatter Mode welcome back to the game after being restricted twice over previously. Now we need a new Eyesmon. This Demon Dragon discard deck is looking to be a very special product. They should use that "Rule" thing to give WarGrowlmon and BlackWarGrowlmon the Demon Dragon trait so we have more lvl 5's to choose from.
Booster Set 7 Promo Poster Photos w/ Card Previews of Whamon, …
2021年7月28日 · A few card updates... Card shops in Japan has gotten promotional poster for Booster 7 New Adventure, and thanks to some photos we have a look. The main portion of the poster shows off the card artwork for MetalGreymon, which we first saw awhile ago.. MetalGreymon is also on the...
Guilmon, Eyesmon: Scatter Mode, Astamon, & Beelzebumon …
2023年10月15日 · This time it's Guilmon, Eyesmon: Scatter Mode, Astamon, & Beelzebumon! Guilmon is actually new art for Japan, but it has been used before. It was used in the English Card Game Regionals 2022 Set 2s for Participation, Finalist, and Champion. Eyesmon: Scatter Mode, Astamon, & Beelzebumon use the same art as on the original versions of these cards.
Digimon Profile Art & Kenji Watanabe Adventure: Episode 16 Art
2020年9月20日 · Eyesmon is Adult huh. So Eyesmon - Digitamamon - DeviTamamon? Besides Algomon. That Eyesmon Scatter Mode easily could be mistaken as Child level but it's odd usually some digimon tend to create their own clones but weakened powers or mini versions being weapons that explode yet this Eyesmon Scatter Mode got completely new different design.
Orochimon Preview for Digimon Card Game Booster Set EX-07
2024年4月30日 · Orochimon actually looks cool for once. He usually looks cartoonish and stupid so this is a step up. I can't think of a rookie for this line since there isn't many digimon that would make sense digivolving to Eyesmon but we'll see.
Digimon Ghost Game: Episode 43- Red Eye
2022年9月16日 · Eyesmon is as effectively unsettling as you'd expect Ghost Game to make with such a concept, and Ryusei Nakeo's distinctive voice is always welcome. Though it was always going to be a long shot, having a black optic themed Digimon merge with a human would certainly have been the perfect setup for a surprise appearance by a certain corrupted ...
Preview for Digimon Ghost Game Episode 43
2022年9月10日 · This is kind of weird, actually. It's like a mix of Shademon and Eyesmon. Shademon's the one that possesses people, and Eyesmon is the one that gathers information, but this Digimon is doing both. Of course, it's Ghost Game, so who can say what crazy powers a Digimon might suddenly have.
Ghost Game Episode 43 Preview Screenshots
2022年9月17日 · Eyesmon for sure (remember eyes wall in Adventures 2020 before Eyesmon evolve to Orochimon). After Eyesmon he is a Champion with the abilities of a Perfect (since he faced 6 Perfect levels in Adventures) so it is possible that we have one of the 3 Perfects in the episode (maybe Thetismon since Kyo and Jellymon are featured prominently in ...
Digimon Adventure: Episode 16- The Jet-Black Shadow Invades …
2020年9月17日 · Eyesmon was very creepy, seeing all the Perfects working together was very gratifying. Nice to finally have the group back together again. An enemy using buildings against you gave me flashbacks to Kingdom Hearts 2's final boss lol.
Profile & Kenji Watanabe Adventure: Episode 18 Art, General …
2020年10月4日 · Batch of stuff for the weekend! Instead of social media art, after episode 18 aired, Digimon Web shared the profile art for Nidhoggmon. The attached message: Thanks for watching episode 18, Countdown to Tokyo's Annihilation! Eyesmon evolved to Orochimon, and now into the new Digimon...