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Extensin - Wikipedia
Extensins are a family of flexuous, rodlike, hydroxyproline -rich glycoproteins (HRGPs) of the plant cell wall. [1][2] They are highly abundant proteins. There are around 20 extensins in Arabidopsis thaliana. They form crosslinked networks in the young cell wall.
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根据伸展蛋白的结构特点, 可以将其分为7大亚类:典型伸展蛋白 (classical EXTs) 、短伸展蛋白 (short EXTs) 、富含亮氨酸重复序列的伸展蛋白 (leucine-rich repeat extensins, LRXs) 、富含脯氨酸的类伸展蛋白受体激酶 (proline-rich extensin-like receptor kinases, PERKs) 、成蛋白同源的伸展 ...
Extensin, an underestimated key component of cell wall defence?
2021年5月7日 · Background: Extensins are plant cell wall hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins known to be involved in cell wall reinforcement in higher plants, and in defence against pathogen attacks. The ability of extensins to form intra- and intermolecular cross-links is directly related to their role in cell wall reinforcement.
2022年11月20日 · 扩展蛋白超家族包括四类,其中确认有控制细胞壁增大的作用的为α-expansin(EXPA)和β-expansin(EXPB)。 2010年的文献显示,拟南芥中有26种EXPA与10种EXPB。 徐筱, 徐倩, 张kai, 徐吉臣. 植物扩展蛋白基因的研究进展 [J]. 北京林业大学学报, 2010, 32 (5): 154-162. 典型的EXP分子量25-27kD,包括两个结构域,N端为D1,与 内切葡聚糖酶 EG45同源,但EXP只保存此活性(不同于内切葡聚糖酶的深裂隙,EXP仅具有浅沟),并且没有在纯 …
Extensin - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Extensins (EXTs) are highly repetitive plant O -glycoproteins that require several post-translational modifications (PTMs) to become functional in plant cell walls. First, they are hydroxylated on contiguous proline residues; then they are O -glycosylated on hydroxyproline and serine.
Extensins: Self-Assembly, Crosslinking, and the Role of Peroxidases
2021年5月13日 · The extensin (EXT) network is elaborated by the covalent intermolecular crosslinking of EXT glycoprotein monomers, and its proper assembly is important for numerous aspects of basic wall architecture and cellular defense. In this review, we discuss new advances in the secretion of EXT monomers and the molecular drivers of EXT network self-assembly.
伸展蛋白 - 百度百科
由于可以控制植物细胞的伸展(ex-tersion),故称为伸展蛋白。 伸展蛋白 extensin. 在生长旺盛的幼龄期的细胞中含量少,生长速度迟缓时含量增加,因而认为具有对细胞壁不易伸展的作用。 其蛋白质部分具有-ser-Hyp-Hyp-Hyp-Hyp的氨基酸序列,Hyp残基许多有3—4个阿拉伯糖所构成的寡糖;而Ser残基许多具有1—2个半乳糖。 脯氨酸羟化是在肽合成后进行,催化此过程的肽基脯氨酸羟化酶需要二价铁离子,可被铁离子络合剂的a′-dipyridyl 所抑制。 肽的脯氨酸羟化后, …
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