ewe sheep - Hunt Talk
2009年10月9日 · I tried the unlimited a couple years and got the sheep bug. Decided the heck with it - i'm hunting sheep before I get to old. The first year I archery hunted solo and took the family. It was so fun my hunting partner joined me the next year so I got to hunt sheep two years in a row. Every year I look at the odds and have no regrets. The crew
Ewe sheep - Hunt Talk
2020年11月26日 · I was able to bring my handicap dad on my first sheep hunt in the Missouri Breaks. We did a 30 mile float in a little John boat. The roads dried up just in time and the rain held off just long enough to get out.
odds on drawing nonresident ewe/lamb sheep tags - Hunt Talk
2018年2月3日 · Units rotate for Non-resident availability, and you'll be limited to 10% of the total tags, but the current units with Ewe tags are: 124-30 (Paradise: 2 tags), 203-30 (Grave Creek: 7 tags), 216-30 (W. Rock Creek/Quigg Creek: 8 tags), 482-30 (Fergus: 40 Tags), 622-30 (Middle Missouri Breaks: 20 tags), 680-30 and 680-31 (Chouteau-Blaine-Phillips ...
ewe sheep | Page 2 | Hunt Talk
2009年10月9日 · Fuzzy math. ;- ) Maybe...gohunt gives a 0.48% with 7 points but it does show that 3 people with 7 points drew...as well as 3 with 10 & 15 points.
Ewe Sheep Success! (Pic heavy) - Hunt Talk
2019年12月12日 · For some reason the sheep moved off the cliffs and began feeding up a grassy hillside. I found a legal ewe, my buddy called the range, 357yds and boom. The next thing I knew the sheep was down. Approaching that sheep has to be one of the most exciting moments of my life. And now I can’t wait to get to eat some of the most amazing meat in the ...
Ewe Sheep Success! (Pic heavy) | Page 2 | Hunt Talk
2019年12月12日 · For some reason the sheep moved off the cliffs and began feeding up a grassy hillside. I found a legal ewe, my buddy called the range, 357yds and boom. The next thing I knew the sheep was down. View attachment 154611 View attachment 154613 View attachment 154612 Approaching that sheep has to be one of the most exciting moments of my life.
Montana Bighorn Ewe Hunt (Pic Heavy) - Hunt Talk
2013年1月28日 · After about ten minutes the mature Ewe Shayne decided he wanted to shoot stepped away from the others and offered a broadside shot. The .308 rang out and the Ewe dropped in its tracks followed by rolling down the hill about 50 yards. As we walked up to the Ewe we both thought it was larger than we expected! Shayne and his MT Bighorn Ewe.
Successfully Drew Colorado Sheep Unit S32 - Hunt Talk
2020年5月1日 · I happen to have a Mt goat tag that overlaps the season dates and much of the sheep habitat in S32. I won't be able to let you know where I'm seeing sheep if you chasing speed goats in Wyoming. I've been on over a dozen sheep counts in S32 guided and helped a few hunters and killed a ewe in the unit.
Missouri Breaks Ewe - Hunt Talk
2014年8月14日 · The ewe was bedded quartering away and while I was drawing back she stood and turned broadside giving me a clear shot at 29 yards. All in all it was a very simple hunt but it is not surprising in the least bit why people love hunting sheep.
2019 Montana Ewe hunt - Hunt Talk
2018年3月27日 · Montana Bighorn Sheep ewe hunt 2019 Day 1. After work I quickly packed the truck with my hunting gear, necessary food and camping gear. I drove 8 hours into a hunt area I had never stepped foot in. I arrived in the late hours of the night. Some rain. Day 2. Woke at 5 am going stir crazy to get the hunt underway.