Eurynome – Mythopedia
2023年7月25日 · Eurynome’s name can thus be translated as “widely distributing,” “widely pasturing,” “widely legislating,” and so on. In other words, it reflects Eurynome’s association with order (an association that is complemented by her role …
Oceanids - Mythopedia
2023年3月8日 · In ancient art, the Oceanids were depicted as beautiful young women, often scantily clad. One Oceanid in particular, Eurynome, was sometimes represented with a mermaid-like fish tail. Family. The three thousand Oceanids were the daughters of Oceanus and Tethys, two of the original twelve Titans.
Odyssey: Book 23 (Full Text) - Mythopedia
Meanwhile the wearied king the bath ascends; With faithful cares Eurynome attends, O’er every limb a shower of fragrance sheds; Then, dress’d in pomp, magnificent he treads. The warrior-goddess gives his frame to shine With majesty enlarged, and grace divine. Back from his brows in wavy ringlets fly His thick large locks of hyacinthine dye.
Charites (Graces) - Mythopedia
2023年2月9日 · The three Charites or “Graces” were beautiful, kind, and youthful goddesses who embodied all things involving beauty, joy, and abundance. In the standard account, known from Hesiod’s Theogony, there were three Charites named Aglaea (“Radiance”), Euphrosyne (“Joy”), and Thalia (“Abundance”), daughters of Zeus and the Oceanid ...
Mythopedia – Encyclopedia of Mythology
Mythopedia is the ultimate online resource for exploring ancient mythology; from the Greeks and Romans, to Celtic, Norse, Egyptian and more.
Bellerophon - Mythopedia
2023年7月7日 · Bellerophon was born into the court of Glaucus, the king of Corinth, and his wife, whose name was either Eurynome or Eurymede. According to most accounts, however, Bellerophon’s true father was the sea god Poseidon. Bellerophon also had a younger brother, though ancient sources debate whether his name was Alcimenes, Deliades, or Peiren.
Aphrodite - Mythopedia
2023年4月10日 · Overview. Aphrodite was one of the Twelve Olympians and the Greek goddess of love, desire, and procreation. Both generously nurturing and passionately destructive, she embodied all the possibilities that love and passion had to offer.
Phoebe - Mythopedia
2023年3月10日 · Greek. Hesiod (eighth/seventh century BCE): Phoebe’s genealogy is outlined in the Theogony.. Aeschylus (ca. 525/524 BCE–456/455 BCE): In the first lines of the tragedy Eumenides, Phoebe is said to have been the one who gave the oracle at Delphi to Apollo.
Oceanus - Mythopedia
2023年3月9日 · The Greek Titan Oceanus personified the enormous expanses of water that spanned the world. As patron of all things within the sea, he was generally viewed as a benevolent deity, a fatherly figure, and a giver of life.
Thetis – Mythopedia
2023年3月8日 · Thetis was a nymph and goddess of the sea, one of the fifty Nereids born to Nereus and Doris, and the wife of the mortal hero Peleus. When her son Achilles went to fight in the Trojan War, she did everything in her power to prevent his death.