Eupen Home - Eupen Cable USA
With over 100 years of experience in cable development and manufacturing, Eupen Cable USA is proud to be a leader in quality and customer service. As a subsidiary of Kabelwerk Eupen AG, our goal is to provide the highest quality products and services to our customers.
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Eupen strongly recommends that all installers be trained for working with Fiber Optics and Testing Equipment. All required testing parameters are customer specific and will vary market to market.
Accessories - Eupen Cable USA
Accessories - Eupen Cable USA ... Accessories
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This connector installation manual will give installers a step by step instruction Ohm Coaxial, Elliptical Waveguide and Radiating connectors. This will include the use of common hand tools …
EIA Connectors - Eupen Cable USA
EIA Connectors EIA78 interface for EC4-50 Product Specifications EIA78 interface for EC5-50A Product Specifications EIA78 interface for EC6-50A Product Specifications EIA78 interface for EC7-50A Product Specifications EIA158 interface for EC7-50A Product Specifications
DC-resistance at 20°C inner conductor Ω/1000 ft (Ω/km)
Eupen supplies and recommends the follow site accessories for Grounding, Hoisting and Mounting of the 1-1/4” B2 Hybrid Cables. For pricing and availability, please contact your Eupen Regional Sales Director or Eupen Customer Service at 1-800-419-5100 or www.eupen.us.
Terms & Conditions - Eupen Cable USA
A hard copy of these Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale is available upon request by calling Seller at 1-800-419-5100 or by emailing [email protected].
Hybrid Fiber Cable Systems - Eupen Cable USA
Hybrid Fiber Cable Systems Armored, watertight, common-sized assemblies Multiple configurations of power & fiber Why Eupen Cable USA Hybrid Fiber? Welded watertight armor with corrugated aluminum shield provides additional layer of …
Jacket: EN 50289-4-17 / ISO 4892-2, IEC 60811 Wire insulation: IEC 60811 RoHS 2011/65/EU compliant Kabelwerk Eupen AG has been certified ISO 9001:2008 and ISO1401:2004 for the development, manufacture and supply of cables, wires and related products.