Ethos Woodfires
Ethos woodfires are unique in that they don’t draw their combustion air from the room being heated, or even from elsewhere in the dwelling. Instead the EconAir Induction flue system is bi-directional, and draws all its combustion air from outside via the flue outer layer.
Ares — Ethos Woodfires
ARES Performance. Estimated Peak Output: 14kW. Average Efficiency: 67%. Average Emissions: 0.3 grams per kilogram. Emissions per Output : 22 milligrams per megajoule
Galaxy — Ethos Woodfires
Galaxy represents a new design direction for Ethos as we look at interior design trends for 2019 and beyond. Moving to an ultra clean cubic floorstanding outer shell the Galaxy becomes a perfect canvas to apply your colour touch to embrace and enhance your decor, all the while delivering the high performance and reduced emissions that Ethos wood fires have become …
Phoenix - Ethos Woodfires
phoenix Performance. Estimated Peak Output: 18kW. Average Efficiency: 72%. Average Emissions: 0.56 grams per kilogram. Emissions per Output : 39 milligrams per megajoule
Customer Feedback — Ethos Woodfires
"Our Ethos fire is absolutely amazing, it heats our small house (100sqm) so efficiently that we have every door in house open, all rooms are heated and toasty warm. In fact sometimes we have to open windows to cool down and be able to sleep.
User Manuals — Ethos Woodfires
User Manuals — Ethos Woodfires ... USER MANUALS
Ethos Introduction — Ethos Woodfires
Designed and manufactured in New Zealand, Ethos Woodfires represent the evolution of the wood fire as a clean and efficient heating solution
Where To Buy — Ethos Woodfires
Find your nearest Ethos stockist. Peace of mind, and local support. Ethos dealers are trained specialists who will be able to assist you with all stages of purchase and installation of your Ethos Woodfire.
Contact - Ethos Woodfires
Contact us. How can we help? Complete your details on the form below, or email us directly at: [email protected] or call us on: (09) 947 5166
Aquos - Ethos Woodfires
aquos Performance. Estimated Peak Output: 18kW. Estimated Peak Water Booster: 2kW. Average Efficiency: 66%. Average Emissions: 0.6 grams per kilogram