idioms in context - the meaning of "more or less" - English …
2023年8月20日 · "More" is interpreted as being corresponding to "joking", and having the meaning of, say, "in the eye of more plus side"(or "in the eye of more far distance"). On the …
Why do we use approximate in the present and estimated in the …
2021年1月10日 · So if you want to use a form of estimate as an adjective, as you are, you have to use the past participle of the verb, i.e. estimated. Note that the pronunciation keeps the "long …
tense - is estimated OR was estimated - English Language …
It was estimated that people consumed a lot of bottled water in 2015. This means that the estimation/study was carried out at some point in the past. It is estimated that people …
sentence structure - Uses of the phrase "estimated at" - English ...
2016年1月11日 · They estimated the distance at about three miles. The cost of the project has been estimated at about 10 million dollars. As long as we follow our rules with prepositions, we …
american english - Estimated delivery date vs Estimate delivery …
2019年7月9日 · True, a word cannot be used as a verb in a noun phrase, and starting with 'an" is only one marker for a NP. To be picky, however, "estimate[d] delivery dates" could be a verb …
meaning - What does - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
2018年11月23日 · Since an estimate is an educated guess or calculated approximation of some metric, such a calculation will be bounded by upper & lower values based on the range of …
plural forms - an estimated 2 million people are/is - English …
2016年1月1日 · I would explain it with "an estimated number of two million people". The following verb may be singular or plural as in. 1 An estimated number of people was killed in the war. …
Why it should be 'estimated', instead of 'is estimated'?
2023年9月7日 · "is estimated" would form a passive voice sentence, but what then would be the subject. The parts before "The hurricane caused damage" already has a finite verb. If you use …
What is difference between "projected date " and "expected date"?
2015年6月11日 · The "projected" date implies that some level of analysis or study has been performed to identify that date. The "expected" date does not imply any such analysis; …
meaning in context - What does "order" mean in "to the order of ...
It is estimated that since the barter trade commenced along two routes across the LoC in October 2008, employment to the order of more than 1.6 lacs days had been created. I don't know …