ave a rich set of peripherals. The modules are ideal choices for a wide variety of IoT applications, ranging from home automation, smart building, consumer electronics to industrial control, especially suitable for applications within a compact space, such . onnector for external antenna. Both ESP32-MINI-1 and E.
ESP32-MINI-1 en - Espressif Systems
ESP32-MINI-1 is a highly-integrated, small-sized Wi-Fi+Bluetooth®+Bluetooth® LE MCU module that has a rich set of peripherals. This module is an ideal choice for a wide variety of IoT applications, ranging from home automation, smart building, consumer electronics to industrial control, especially suitable for applications within a compact ...
WEMOS D1 MINI ESP32 Development Board Details, Pinout, Specs
WEMOS D1 MINI ESP32 development board is based on esp32 microcontroller and uses xtensa architecture. Find its datasheet, features, pinout, technical specs and more.
ESP32-MINI-1-N4 Espressif Systems | RF and Wireless | DigiKey
ESP32-MINI-1-N4 – Bluetooth, WiFi 802.11b/g/n, Bluetooth v4.2 +EDR, Class 1, 2 and 3 Transceiver Module 2.412GHz ~ 2.484GHz Integrated, Trace Chassis Mount from Espressif Systems. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
Amazon.com: Esp32 Mini
ESP32 S2 Mini V1.0.0 WiFi Board Based ESP32-S2FN4R2 ESP32-S2 4MB Flash Type-C Connect Fit for MicroPython
GitHub - schreibfaul1/ESP32-MiniWebRadio: Internetradio with ESP32…
Use Infra-Red (IR) remote controller (38kHz NEC-encoded - e.g. arduino or mp3 remote). The web UI allows you to configure the buttons if required. Community Radio Browser is integrated as a search engine.
Explore All ESP32 Development Boards with Detailed Features1
Espressif ESP32-LyraT-Mini. esp32. Espressif ESP32-LyraTD-SYNA. esp32. Espressif ESP32-LyraTD-DSPG. esp32. Espressif ESP32-Vaquita-DSPG. esp32. Espressif ESP32-Korvo. esp32. Espressif ESP32-LCDKit. esp32. Espressif ESP32-Ethernet-Kit. esp32h2. Espressif ESP32-H2-DevKitM-1. esp32h2. Espressif ESP Thread Border Router/Zigbee Gateway.
M5StickC PLUS2 ESP32 Mini IoT Development Kit - m5stack-store
M5StickC PLUS2 is an iterative version of M5StickC PLUS, featuring the ESP32-PICO-V3-02 chip as the main controller with built-in WiFi functionality. The compact device integrates a wealth of hardware resources within its small form factor, including infrared, RTC, microphone, LED, IMU, buttons, buzzer, and more.
esp32-mini-1和esp32-mini-1u是通用型wi-fi+蓝牙+低功耗蓝牙mcu模组,功能强大,具有丰富的外设 接口,适用各类物联网应用场景,如智能家居、消费电子、工业控制等。
Contents Contents 1 Module Overview 2 1.1 Features 2 1.2 Description 3 1.3 Applications 4 2 Block Diagram 8 3 Pin Definitions 9 3.1 PinLayout 9 3.2 PinDescription 9