- 包含 Erichsens Gård 的结果。是否只需要 Erichsen's Gaard 的结果?
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Erichsens Gård - Wikipedia
Erichsens Gård is a timber-framed building located at Rønne on Bornholm, Denmark. It is now part of the Bornholm Museum and is Rønne's best preserved commoner's house. 展开
Erichsens Gård was built in 1806 and expanded in the 1830s and 1840s. Surveyor and architect Henning Pedersen, who designed Rønne Præstegård and the old city hall on Rønne's … 展开
• Knudsen, Ann Vibeke (1990) Erichsens Gård i Rønne - Publisher: Bornholms Museum - Rønne - ISBN 87-88179-22-2 - Retrieved: 22. August 2011 展开
CC-BY-SA 许可证中的维基百科文本 ERICHSENS GÅRD | Bornholms Museum
Erichsens Gård is known in the art and culture of Bornholm because of the famous painter Kristian Zahrtmann and his friend, the painter and poet, Holger Drachmann took residence here. Zahrtmann was a native Bornholmer, while …
Erichsens Gård - bornholmsmuseum.dk
Erichsens Gård er et gammelt charmerende købstadshus med fine stuer og et skønt gårdmiljø med en flot blomsterhave. Det var også her digteren og maleren Holger Drachmann og vennen maleren Kristian Zahrtmann holdt til og blev …
Erichsens Gård - Wikipedia, den frie encyklopædi
Wikipedia · CC-BY-SA 许可下的文字- 预计阅读时间:1 分钟
Bornholms Museum
Erichsens Gård - Rønne Museum - Rundt i Danmark
Hver lørdag kl. 11.00 viser gartneren rundt i Erichsens Gårds smukke have. Denne rundvisningen er inkluderet i entréen og varer ca. 1 time. Her hører man om de mange planter, træer og buske, der pryder haven.
The town and garden museum Erichsens Gård
In the fine old street Laksegade, you will find the town and garden museum Erichsens Gård. Here, you can smell and taste the old-fashioned life of the middle-class of Bornholm at the end of the 19th century.
Erichsens Gård - VisitDenmark
Erichsen's House & Garden is a town and garden museum. The building dates from 1806 and was the residence of a fine old Rønne family associated with life in the artistic circles of the time. There is a unique old garden.
By- og Havemuseet Erichsens Gård - Destination …
Oplev den unikke atmosfære og den autentiske bornholmske by-, have- og madkultur på Erichsens Gård i Rønne.
Erichsens Gård
Erichsens Gård. Directions. View photos. Museum in an old listed house with an 1.000 m2 big garden with trees, nerbaceaus perennials, reses ect. Exhibition: Bornholms garden-culture. Share your wonders: Our sites. Business Events; …
- 包含 Erichsens Gård 的结果。是否只需要 Erichsen's Gaard 的结果?
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