What's the inner ergosphere in a Kerr black hole?
2020年9月24日 · (My book uses the notation "ergosphere" as the hypersurface of static limit, "ergoregion" as the hypervolume within.) Studying the Kerr BH, I've come to the part about …
What is really going on in the ergosphere of a Kerr black hole?
You can think of the ergosphere as a region where you would have to move faster than the speed of light to stand still. Inside the ergosphere, observers are forced to co-rotate with the black …
Ergosphere treadmills - Physics Stack Exchange
Edit to make the ergosphere overlapping region more symmetric, imagine there is a symmetric sequence of black holes in front of the treadmill arranged like this: the symmetry in this …
Is a stable orbit possible inside the ergosphere of a Kerr (spinning ...
2019年1月19日 · Here is one of the photon orbits inside the outer ergosphere (but still outside of the horizon) at r=1.448 and an observed equatorial inclination of 17.5° around a maximally …
general relativity - Kerr Black hole EH and Ergosphere embedding ...
2018年12月2日 · When representing the ergosphere or the external event horizon of a black hole, it is often not taken into account that the coordinates used (if space-time is Kerr, the most …
Time dilatation of an observer falling towards a Kerr Black Hole
2020年7月7日 · This means that the observer is "standing still" on the ergosphere, this case is not particularly interesting because we can demonstrate that for having $\dot{\phi}=0$ at the …
general relativity - Is ergosphere without singularity possible ...
2020年9月27日 · The ergosphere is created because of the twisting of spacetime by a fast-rotating black hole. Then what if we rotate a non-singular object (I mean just a normal object …
Finding event horizon and ergosphere - Physics Stack Exchange
2022年1月28日 · $\begingroup$ Are the appropriate components vanishing extendable to other black holes i.e. is the way of finding the event horizon and ergosphere always the same? …
general relativity - What happens to the ergospheres of two …
2021年7月31日 · Firstly, the ergosphere of black holes is considered an indirect rotational quality, its just the effect of the massive rotation speed morphing the area of space outside the event …
Why can't a particle rotate opposite to the central mass within the ...
2015年2月12日 · I am writing my Ph.D. thesis and wanted to address the same question. The best demonstration I found is at page 133 of "A First Course in General Relativity (Second …