Epidendrum ibaguense - Wikipedia
Epidendrum ibaguense (pronounced ee-bah-GAIN-say) is a species of epiphytic orchid of the genus Epidendrum which occurs in Trinidad, French Guiana, Venezuela, Colombia and Northern Brazil.
Epidendrum ibaguense orchid plant care and culture
Epidendrum ibaguense is usually grow in small narrow pots. As a substrate, pieces of coniferous medium-sized bark are best. The best time for transplant is the period immediately after flowering and until the moment when new shoots reach a size of 5 cm and begin to build their own roots.
Epidendrum ibaguense - North Carolina Extension Gardener ...
In its native habitat, it is a lithophytic orchid, meaning that it grows on exposed rocks. The species epithet means “from Ibagué,” a city in Colombia, near which the species was first collected. This plant needs heat, humidity and bright sunlight to perform at its best.
Epidendrum ibaguense | Reed-Stemmed Orchid - plant lust
Epidendrum ibaguense is an evergreen orchid with green foliage. In fall, spring, summer and winter orange and red flowers emerge. Features glossy texture. Grows well with bright shade - dappled shade and even moisture water. Does well in well-drained soil. A good option if you're seeking something humidity tolerant and verticillium wilt resistant.
Epidendrum - The American Orchid Society
Extremely diverse epiphytes, lithophytes and terrestrials. Rhizomes short to long-trailing or pendent. Stems erect to pendent, pseudobulbous or cane-like, simple to many-branched. Leaves one to many, alternate, distichous, leathery, often clustered toward the stem apex.
Epidendrum Orchid: Beginner's Care Guide - Brilliant Orchids
Epidendrum Ibaguense, also known as Crucifix orchid, has a distinctive three-lobed lip that resembles a cross, hence the name. The care guide for crucifix orchids is similar to that of the Epidendrum Radicans. What are Some Hybrids or Special Epidendrum Species I Can Grow?
Orchid Species: Epidendrum ibaguense
Epidendrum ibaguense is an orchid species identified by Kunth in F.W.H.von Humboldt in 1816.