Home | TDK Electronics - TDK Europe
TDK Electronics (previously EPCOS) manufactures electronic components. TDK Europe is the TDK Group's European sales company for electronic components sold under the TDK and EPCOS brands.
TDK Electronics - Company Profile
TDK Electronics (previously EPCOS) develops, manufactures and markets electronic components and systems under the product brands of TDK, EPCOS, Tronics and relyon plasma focusing on fast-growing leading-edge technology markets, which include automotive electronics, industrial electronics and consumer electronics as well as information and ...
Renaming: EPCOS AG changes its name to TDK Electronics AG
2018年10月1日 · TDK Corporation announces that it has changed the name of its subsidiary EPCOS AG to TDK Electronics AG. The name change of EPCOS AG, the parent company of the EPCOS Group, goes into effect today, October 1, 2018, and will thus further strengthen the uniform market presence of the TDK Group.
世界中のTDK エレクトロニクス | TDK Electronics AG
TDK Electronics(旧EPCOS)は、車載エレクトロニクス、産業エレクトロニクス、コンシューマーエレクトロニクス、ICT(情報通信技術)をはじめ、成長めざましい、最先端テクノロジー市場をターゲットに、TDK、EPCOS、Tronics、relyon plasmaの各製品ブランドのもと ...
製品カタログ | TDK Electronics AG
続けるをクリックするとxがお客様のデータにアクセスできるようになり、これをもってお客様は同社によるデータ処理に同意することになります。 xは、欧州域内のデータ保護と同等のデータ保護が行われていない米国に本社を構える会社です。xがどのようにお客様のデータを処理しているか ...
ホーム | TDK Electronics AG
PTCサーミスタ (EPCOS) 高電圧コンタクター; スイッチングスパークギャップ; 積層圧電アクチュエータ ; PowerHap アクチュエータ; 超音波加湿ユニット; 電磁ブザー ; 圧電ブザー; PiezoHaptアクチュエータ; MEMSマイク
PTC Thermistors (EPCOS) | TDK Electronics - TDK Europe
EPCOS PTC Thermistors include products for overcurrent protection, motor starting, switching and telecom applications, thermal management in LED driver circuits, heating elements, inrush current limiters.
Home | TDK Electronics - TDK Europe
TDK Europe ist die europäische Vertriebsgesellschaft des TDK Konzerns für das Europa-Geschäft mit elektronischen Bauelementen, Modulen und Systemen, die unter den Produktmarken TDK und EPCOS vermarktet werden.
Power Line EMC Filters (EPCOS) - TDK Electronics AG
Search for EMC line filters (EPCOS) - technical data, parameter search and data sheets. Find the right products now!
EPCOS to develop a strategy for AC applications. In conjunction with technical experts, the aim is to offer application know-how rather than just products. That means customized service packages put together by individual appli-cation experts and assembled by specialists. In view of the growing impor-tance of power quality, EPCOS