Getting Ready for 2nd Grade! shown that children lose one to two months of math and reading skills over the summer! Don’t stress! There are ways to prevent this. By continuing to practice and review skills, students will maintain their level of academics and even continue to grow!
Have your child complete one page (one side) two-three times a week of the math packet. Please return this completed packet to your second grade teacher. The grade level that receives the largest percentage of summer packets returned will win a Free Dress Pass!
We are providing these summer enrichment activities for children entering grades kindergarten through eighth grade. Working with your child throughout the summer will lessen the likelihood of the “summer slide,” which is a phrase used to describe the slide backwards that many children experience in reading and math skills over the summer.
As many of you are planning for your summer activities for your children, we want you to remember to encourage your children to read over the summer break! Reading for the sake of reading will allow children to explore summer from home, …
Here is your summer packet for math learning! We hope you will use these resources to help your student continue building and strengthening math skills until we see them again in September.
summer to avoid the summer slide. Brains need rest, too, however, so don’t forget to take some time off. Summer Work Expectations and Guidelines: 1. Spend time on DreamBox. 2. Print out this packet. If you don’t have access to a printer, you may pick up a hard copy at school.
Please complete and return this packet in August to your second grade teacher. The grade receiving the largest percentage of summer packets returned will win an extra recess at school. Your child will receive a prize and certificate for completing the packet. The biggest prize of all is your child’s readiness for second grade!
this summer. Be sure to include a clear beginning, middle, and end with illustrations to match. Read a book from the list. Interview an adult in your life to find out more about making economic choices. Use the suggested questions or add in some of your own. Write a summary of what you learned from your interview. Tech Day Try out an ...
How Wayside’s Summer Math Program Works: • Students set their own goals for completing math activities. • Students use the math packet to complete and record responses for the activities. Summer Packet Content: Standard 1: Operations and Algebraic Thinking • Activity A: Birthday Oak • Activity B: Spilling Punch
Weekly: 1st grade students should have fluency with addition and subtraction facts to 10. As they enter 2nd grade, you can extend the addition and subtraction facts to 20. Bi-Monthly/Monthly: Review the concepts included in the packet. Feel free to copy, change the numbers or use the resources below to provide additional practice.
2022年5月2日 · We have assigned summer homework to help maintain your child’s reading and math skills. These skills are critical for success next year. Students entering second grade are required to spend some time reading and completing math computations this summer.
To print this PDF in any browser, choose “Print” from the “File” menu and use the dialog box to print one or more pages at a time. Alternatively, you may download this PDF and open and print it using Acrobat Reader DC, a free software application from Adobe. Visit helpx.adobe.com for help printing in Acrobat Reader DC.
Attached is the summer math packet for students entering into Second Grade. This packet of practice activities will provide review, reinforcement and enrichment of the concepts taught in First Grade.
Getting Ready for 2nd Grade! Dear Parents/Guardians, This packet is filled with different engaging and fun reading, writing, and mathematics activities listed in a “Summer Calendar”. Over summer vacation, we strongly encourage you to set aside some times for your child to work on these skills to ensure continued progress in second grade.
In First Grade, students explored math concepts based on four standards. The eight activities in this summer math packet reflect the content of those four standards.
2024年5月2日 · Dear Second Grade Parents, We are praying that your summer vacation is relaxing and enjoyable. We have assigned summer homework to help maintain your child’s reading and math skills. These skills are critical for success next year. Students entering second grade are required to spend some time readingand completing math computations this summer.
Your child has learned so much this school year! It is important that your child keep his/her brain active over the summer to be ready for next year. This packet includes important reading, writing, and math skills that your child will be expected to know prior to starting second grade. These skills are listed on the next page.
MATH Summer Packet Entering Grade 2 In Grade 1 You Le arned How To: Operations and Algebraic Thinking • R e pre s e nt a nd s ol ve probl e m s i nvol vi ng a ddi t i on a nd s ubt ra c t i on • U nde rs t a nd a nd a ppl y prope rt i e s of ope ra t i ons (a ddi t i on a nd s ubt ra c t i on)
Welcome to the summer math packet for students entering Second Grade. The design of the activities is meant to support instruction in the new curriculum in both its content and presentation.
Here are some suggestions to become better prepared for 2nd Grade. i-Ready – Access will be available for Reading and Math support through July 20th. Please access i-Ready through www.launch.ocps.net. Students should use their school username and password to access.
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