Remedies for an Enlarged Prostate: What to Do and ... - WebMD
2022年11月29日 · Learn home remedies and medical treatments to help ease your enlarged prostate symptoms and speed up your recovery.
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) - Diagnosis and treatment ...
Treatment for BPH has long been medications and procedures, such as lasers or an electric loop, which burn the prostate from the inside out. But, now, a relatively new convective water therapy treatment uses steam to make the prostate smaller.
Natural ways to treat an enlarged prostate - Harvard Health
2024年4月29日 · Some simple changes in behavior can help to ease urinary symptoms whether you choose treatment or not: Avoid drinking fluids for one to two hours before bed. Limit fluid intake before going out in public or starting a trip. Urinate when you first get the urge. Go to the bathroom on a timed schedule, even if you don't feel a need to go.
Treatment for enlarged prostate - Mayo Clinic Health System
2024年1月25日 · There are multiple treatment options for BPH, ranging from behavior medications to medications and surgery. One minimally invasive options patients may be considering is bipolar enucleation of the prostate, or BipolEP. The prostate is a small organ that sits beneath the bladder.
Enlarged Prostate Treatments - WebMD
2022年12月13日 · Symptoms and the need for treatment vary with each man's enlarged prostate, also called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). And every treatment has its own benefits and risks. These factors...
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH): Symptoms & Treatment
Benign prostatic hyperplasia causes your prostate to grow. Symptoms include difficulty peeing and sudden urges to pee. Treatment includes medication and surgery.
What Are Your Treatment Options for an Enlarged Prostate?
2018年9月29日 · Explore traditional treatment options for an enlarged prostate, including medications such as alpha-blockers, surgeries like TUMT, and lifestyle changes.
What are the latest treatments for an enlarged prostate?
2023年1月18日 · Research suggests that UroLift may be an effective treatment for an enlarged prostate. According to a 2021 analysis of real-world UroLift procedure outcomes in hospitals across England, the...
7 Treatment Options for Enlarged Prostate - Healthgrades
2022年11月16日 · An enlarged prostate can be a nuisance but you have many treatment options. It is not cancer and urgent decisions are not required. Treatment largely depends on the severity of your symptoms, size of your prostate, your age and health, and your personal preference.
Treatment for an enlarged prostate - Harvard Health
2022年9月1日 · Two popular choices are a prostatic urethral lift and water vapor thermal therapy (known by the brand name Rezum). In the prostatic urethral lift procedure, a device called a UroLift is inserted through the urethra to the prostate.