K3S Transceiver - Elecraft
2024年6月1日 · Elecraft’s state-of-the-art K3S transceiver offers a unique combination of ultra-high performance and affordability. The factory-assembled K3S is comparable in both features and performance to transceivers listing at up to six times its price.
Reviews For: Elecraft K3 - eHam.net
ELECRAFT K3 Transceiver High Performance • 160-6 Meters • 100 W Dual 32bit DSP, "switched mode mixer" Factory Assembled or No-Soldering Kit 160-6 meter ham-band coverage; optional general-coverage filters • High-contrast, full-custom LCD with with alphanumeric text display • 100-W or 10-W (upgradeable) models • 32-bit I.F. DSP
K3/K3S, KX3 and K2 Control & Setup Programs – Elecraft
Most K3 programs will also work with the KX3. Elecraft Frequency Memory Editor , works for K3, K3S, and KX3. Win4K3Suite , Windows control program for K3, KX3, KPA500, KAT500 and the P3 Panadapter.
The K3 excels wherever the action is — demanding Field Day sites, remote DXpedition outposts, high-power contest operations — or the comfort of your own home station.
Elecraft - K3 / 100 - RigPix Database
Elecraft K3 / 100 SPECIFICATIONS. GENERAL: Type: Amateur HF/VHF transceiver: Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 6 m RX: 0.49-30 / 44-54 MHz (2 m option) ... Same as the K3/10 but with the 100 W amplifier unit included: Related documents: User manual Rev.D10 (4 MB) Manual errata Rev.D10-8 (119 KB) Modifications and fixes:
Elecraft-K3@groups.io | K3S Comparison table finalized (link …
2018年7月7日 · As a result, the table now captures those aspects of the performance, portability, and user interface of the K3S that are most important to current and prospective owners. The table is an excellent starting point. If you still have unanswered questions about K3S features, theory of operation, etc., feel free to email me directly.
Elecraft K3, Desktop HF/VHF Transceiver | RigReference.com
With an Elecraft K144XV internal 2 meter module installed, your K3 will make another leap forward in versatility. The K144XV covers the full 144-148 MHz U.S. allocation, so you can do weak-signal CW/SSB work as well as access 2-m repeaters in your area.
Elecraft-K3@groups.io | The K3 and K3-S 100-watt Amplifier, …
2019年5月18日 · It’d be good to see how others have handled repairs, or mods, to the K3’s (and K3s’) 100-watt amplifier, the venerable KPA3 and its various renditions, early Elecraft Part Number E850273. And in particular : ~~ Changes to, or replacement of, the two ‘final’ amplifier transistors. ~~ Mods or replacement of any other parts on the KPA3 main board.
Reviews For: Elecraft K3s - eHam.net
Elecraft’s state-of-the-art K3S transceiver offers a unique combination of ultra-high performance and affordability. Both 100-watt and 10-watt (upgradeable) models are available. No-soldering kit; also available fully assembled and tested, the K3S is comparable in both features and performance to transceivers listing at up to six times its price.
Elecraft K3 Review - WorldwideDX Radio Forum
2010年9月19日 · After reading a few very technical reviews of the Elecraft K3 touting the technical specs and merits of this very interesting rig, as well as talking extensively to a long time K3 user (and field tester for Elecraft), I decided to take a chance on a rig I had never actually touched.
Elecraft highlights the K3’s outstanding dynamic range, citing a third-order intermodulation distortion dynamic range of greater than 100 dB at 5 kHz spacing and in the low to mid-90s at 2 kHz spacing. That’s comparable with anything else in the field. Elecraft reports it’s also measured best-of-breed blocking dynamic range of
ELECRAFT K3 OWNER'S MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download ELECRAFT K3 owner's manual online. HIGH-PERFORMANCE 160 –6 METER TRANSCEIVER. K3 transceiver pdf manual download.
Reviews For: Elecraft K3 - eHam.net
The K3 is a complicated/complex radio allowing the operator to customize it for nearly any type of operation. You can buy as many added features as you need - or get them all. It pays to read the manual a couple of times and to be a user of the Group and reflector - you will learn a lot.
Elecraft - Wikipedia
The company is known for the Elecraft K3 high-performance HF transceiver, a 32-bit DSP based radio covering HF plus the 6-meter VHF band and the 160-meter MF band, introduced in 2008. The K3 was well-received by the amateur radio community. [3] At the time of its introduction, the K3 ranked highest in Sherwood Engineering's receiver tests. [4] [5]
A: The K3S is Elecraft’s second-generation, software-defined superhet transceiver (SDR). We’ve upgraded nearly every subsystem, improving performance and adding many new features. Here’s a quick overview: Unequaled strong-signal receive performance; exceptional transmit signal …
ELECRAFT K-3S - Base HF and all-band transceivers - Ham …
The Elecraft K3S sets the standard for compact, high-performance transceivers -- the ideal choice for DXpeditions, multi-transmitter contesting, Field Day, and home stations alike. The K3S delivers the best of both worlds: a hybrid of software-defined radio (SDR) technology and our proven, high dynamic range superhet receive architecture.
New Product: Elecraft K3 Transceiver: - eHam.net
2007年5月7日 · Elecraft's state-of-the-art K3 transceiver offers a unique combination of ultra-high performance and affordability. Both 100-watt and 10-watt (upgradeable) models are available.
Laguna Woods Third Mutual board candidates on the ballot
2021年9月25日 · Six candidates are on the ballot to fill three seats on the Third board, with terms ending at the 2024 annual election: Jim Cook, Lynn Jarrett, Reza Karimi, Mark Laws, Nathaniel Lewis and Karen...
The Elecraft K3: Design, Configuration, and Operation. - eHam.net
This book really shines if you are (like me) planning to spec and buy a K3 but are kind of lost in the myriad options available, especially the roofing filters. Fred Cady (KE7X) feeds you bite size bits of K3 know how that make the whole thing much more palatable than it otherwise might be.