IBM Sterling B2B Integration SaaS
IBM Sterling® B2B Integration SaaS, formerly IBM Sterling® Supply Chain Business Network, streamlines data exchange with partners, supports EDI and API formats, and provides real-time visibility into key documents with automated processing and analytics for smarter decisions.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) software and solutions - IBM
Simplify and optimize your EDI and B2B API transactions with IBM's market-leading Saas solution for secure, reliable, seamless B2B data exchanges. Explore IBM Sterling B2B Integration Saas Secure your B2B integration with proven, reliable EDI software built to support on-premises or hybrid-cloud containerized software deployments.
Essentials edition - IBM Sterling B2B Integration SaaS
The IBM Sterling® B2B Integration SaaS Essentials edition helps you to get started with electronic data interchange (EDI) and business-to-business (B2B) integration. It’s also helpful for organizations that lack the in-house skills to quickly onboard new customers or …
What is EDI: Electronic Data Interchange? - IBM
2011年8月20日 · Future EDI will use: IoT sensors that are incorporated into a shipment’s packaging and tied to periodic EDI 214 messages to improve package condition visibility in near real time. Blockchain technology underpinning EDI information flows for shipments to offer a shared version of the truth that can quickly resolve and even avoid chargeback ...
Standard edition - IBM Sterling B2B Integration SaaS
Connie Rekau EDI Manager The Master Lock Company Read the case study Take the next step Get a closer look at IBM Sterling B2B Integration SaaS and how it can help streamline, automate and fully digitize transactions.
¿Qué es el EDI: Intercambio Electrónico de Datos? | IBM
La automatización de EDI permite experiencias positivas para el cliente al habilitar la ejecución eficiente de transacciones, así como la entrega rápida y confiable de productos y servicios. Para las grandes organizaciones, EDI permite establecer de estándares entre los socios comerciales, y de esta forma obtener beneficios constantes.
Qu’est-ce que l’échange de données informatisées (EDI) - IBM
Pour certaines entreprises, la mise en œuvre de l'EDI peut s'avérer complexe. Cela est dû, entre autres, à la nécessité de suivre l'évolution des réglementations gouvernementales, des normes et des mises à jour. Elle est également complexe par nature, car elle doit faire face à la complexité des besoins métier mondiaux.
非 EDI 処理の概要 - IBM
非 EDI データを送信する場合は、すべての IBM Sterling B2B Integration SaaS サービスを使用できます。 (場合によっては、事前にカスタマー・サポートと協力してファイル・フォーマットを定義する必要があります。
Software y soluciones de intercambio electrónico de datos (EDI
Las soluciones de EDI y API B2B de IBM se adaptan a cualquier estrategia de TI, ya que ofrecen software on-premises, opciones de nube híbrida en contenedores y modelos SaaS que pueden ser autogestionados, gestionados por un socio de TI o gestionados por IBM.
Non-EDI Processing Overview - IBM
B2B Integration SaaS performs two types of non-EDI processing: Content-based routing. The non-EDI data is processed just like EDI data. These files contain information like the sender ID, receiver ID, and document type in defined locations. Any service that B2B Integration SaaS performs on EDI data can be performed for content-based, non-EDI ...