ETS4: Software requirements - KNX Association
The software components required for ETS4 (e.g. the .NET framework) are not installed via the setup tool of ETS4, when the target computer runs on a Microsoft Windows 8 operating system. However, the setup informs that it is necessary to download and install those components.
ETS4: Software-Anforderungen – KNX Association
Die für ETS4 erforderlichen Softwarekomponenten (z. B. .NET Framework) werden nicht über das Setup-Tool von ETS4 installiert, wenn der Zielcomputer mit dem Betriebssystem Microsoft Windows 8 ausgestattet ist. Beim Installationsvorgang wird darüber informiert, dass es erforderlich ist, diese Komponenten herunterzuladen und zu installieren.
Binary ion-exchanged ETS-4 (Sr/Ba-ETS-4): Synthesis ...
Jun 15, 2024 · Several variants of ETS-4 were synthesized through single-cation and binary-cation exchange, with a particular emphasis on Sr/Ba-ETS-4. The impact of binary-cation exchange on the structural characteristics was investigated using various analytical techniques, including XRD, FESEM, EDX, ICP-MS, TGA, and FT-IR analysis.
Synthesis of titanosilicate ETS-4 utilizing organic precursors
Jan 1, 2004 · ETS-4, a titanosilicate molecular sieve, was grown from various synthesis mixtures utilizing organic titanium (titanium isopropoxide) and silicon (tetraethyl orthosilicate) sources. Syntheses were performed at three different temperatures (403, 448, and 473 K) for heat treatment durations up to 15 days, utilizing various mixing methodologies.
ETS4 & Windows 10 – KNX Association
ETS4 is not released for Windows 10. In most cases it is however possible to install ETS4 on Windows 10 and most of the ETS4 features even work properly, but a number of the database related features of ETS4 unfortunately do not work properly.
ETS-4 is a titanosilicate material invented by Engelhard in the 1980s [2]. ETS-4 differs from most zeolitic materials in a number of ways. Chemically, it is an oxide of Ti and Si, while the majority of zeolitic materials are oxides of Al and Si. Structurally, the material is composed of both tetrahedral TiO 4 and octahedral TiO 6 units, as well ...
Study on the rapid crystallization of ETS-4 and ETS-10
Dec 1, 2000 · In this paper, we report studies on the optimization of composition of reaction mixture that can produce pure ETS-10 and ETS-4 within a short crystallization time in the absence of seeds. Kinetic studies based on optimized batch compositions, the effects of alkali, and water content on phase purity and morphology are also presented. 2. Experimental