Advanced ESP card guessing (Zener Cards) test - PsychicScience.org
Our Advanced ESP Test allows you to scientifically test your telepathic and clairvoyant abilities using a card-guessing procedure widely adopted in parapsychological research.
Free ESP Test - Test Your Psychic Abilities - Psychics Directory
The purpose of this easy to do, free extra sensory perception test is to determine (at the simplest level) if you have E.S.P. and the basic level of development your precognition. This is done by seeing how high you score above random chance in picking a color to appear.
Zener Card Test: Discover Your Psychic Abilities Online
Test your psychic abilities with our fun online Zener Card game! Play solo or with friends, explore your ESP potential, track results, and share your scores. Play now!
Extrasensory Perception Test (ESP Test) - Scientific Psychic
Extrasensory Perception Test (ESP Test) In the 1930's, J. B. Rhine and Karl Zener from the Duke University Psychology Department designed a deck of 25 cards to test for ESP. The deck consisted of five cards of each symbol: Star, Circle, Wave, Square, and Cross.
Quick ESP Card Guessing (Zener Cards) Test - PsychicScience.org
Can you guess the hidden cards? Our Quick ESP Test allows you to assess your telepathic and clairvoyant abilities using a card-guessing procedure widely adopted in parapsychological research.
Interactive ESP Tests - PsychicScience.org
The links shown below allow you to test yourself on a variety of ESP tasks. These tests follow accepted scientific protocols (they are not rigged) and you are most likely to score around chance levels.
The Zener ESP Institute
ESP Card Test: Connect with the timeless symbols that defined ESP research. Word Association Test: Uncover the hidden connections within your mind. Imagination Test: Explore the power of visualization and creative thought.
Moon Mission ESP Test - SMU
We will explore experiments for testing ESP. The goal is a well-controlled test which will positively demonstrate the effect if it exists. The experiment must achieve this: if the claimant really can perform the ESP phenomenon, then they will be able to to do so easily, but, if they are relying on any kind of trickery, the attempt will fail.
What Is ESP? How ESP Works - HowStuffWorks
Sep 12, 2023 · Extrasensory perception is a collective term for various hypothetical mental abilities that might be able to explain certain supernatural phenomenon. These purported abilities (along with other paranormal phenomena) are also referred to as psi. The major types of ESP are:
ESP Quiz - Zener Cards Test for Extrasensory Perception Project
ESP Zener Cards Quiz for Extrasensory Perception Project
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