Made With Wood - Association of the European Producers of …
2025年1月20日 · Established in 1994, the Association of European Producers of Laminate Flooring (EPLF®) represents the leading producers of laminate flooring in Europe and their suppliers.
Members - Association of the European Producers of Laminate …
The Supporting members of the EPLF® include internationally operating test institutes which work closely together with producers and suppliers and whose services are drawn on for assistance with research activities.
About the Association – Association of the European Producers of ...
The EPLF® is an international platform for the exchange of ideas and experience between producers of laminate flooring and their supplier industries. The focus of the Association's work revolves around research, development, the introduction of standards, representation at international trade fairs and representation of interests, evaluation ...
2025 Trends – News – Association of the European Producers of …
2024年12月6日 · As we enter into 2025, the laminate flooring sector is ready to live up to consumer expectations through its innovative, sustainable, and designed products. By blending endless design possibilities with high performance in one product, EPLF members will slowly drive growth in the sector.
About Laminate – Association of the European Producers of …
One of the really pioneering achievements of the EPLF was to publish the first EPD for laminate floors back in 2008. This serves as a basic document for sustainable building and offers effective support for architects and planners.
Market Statistics – Association of the European Producers of …
EPLF® publishes annual statistics on the total sales for the previous year. The data reported by Ordinary members (producers) is collected on a quarterly basis and summed up at the end of the year. The Association makes public only the information below, as all other data is confidential and reserved for members.
Over EPLF: De vereniging van Europese producenten van laminaatvloeren, opgericht in 1994 in Duitsland, vertegenwoordigt de belangrijkste producenten van laminaatvloeren in Europa en hun leveranciers. De focus van haar werkzaamheden ligt op onderzoek, ontwikkeling, normalisatie en vertegenwoordiging op internationale beurzen.
FAQ - Association of the European Producers of Laminate Flooring
The EPLF’s logo “Quality and innovation made in Europe” is another indicator of tested quality. The CE marking = security: This is a widely-recognised product marking complying with EU law, created to protect end users in Europe.
Drei Jahrzehnte EPLF: Gestaltung der Zukunft von Laminatböden Brüssel, 23. Mai 2024 – Dieses Jahr markiert das 30-jährige Bestehen des Verbands der Europäischen Laminatbodenhersteller e.V. (EPLF) und somit einen bedeutenden Meilenstein in der Geschichte herausragender Laminatböden. Der im Jahr 1994 von acht wegweisenden
EPLF Technisches Merkblatt 11/2024 – R-Strategien und Lebensdauer von Laminatfußböden Seite 3 von 24 1. Einleitung Ein Laminatfußboden gemäß EN 13329 ist ein nachhaltiges Produkt, das bis zu 85 % Holz in der Masse aus nachhaltiger Forstwirtschaft enthält und recycelbar ist. Dennoch bestehen