Eos - Mythopedia
Dec 9, 2022 · Eos, daughter of Hyperion and Theia, was the goddess of the dawn; she rode her chariot across the sky at the beginning of each day, dispersing the night. Eos took many mortal lovers, including the handsome prince Tithonus, whom she inadvertently doomed to a terrible fate.
Selene – Mythopedia
Dec 7, 2022 · Her brother Helios shone as the sun, while her sister Eos was the goddess of the dawn. Though Selene had many consorts, the most famous of them was Endymion, a handsome young mortal. When Selene spied him sleeping in a cave, she immediately fell in love and asked Zeus to extend his sleep for all eternity.
Astraeus – Mythopedia
Mar 11, 2023 · He married Eos, the goddess of the dawn, with whom he fathered the Anemoi (“Winds”) and the Astra (“Stars”). Astraeus was a son of the Titan Crius and his wife Eurybia and was often numbered among the Titans himself.
Cephalus – Mythopedia
Oct 4, 2023 · Cephalus was a Greek hero and a skilled hunter with connections to Attica, Phocis, and Cephallenia. The handsome Cephalus was abducted by Eos, the goddess of the dawn, who had fallen in love with him; but he also had a wife named …
Theia – Mythopedia
Mar 10, 2023 · Theia appears to have been associated with heavenly bodies and other forms of light—an association that was supported by her identity as the mother of Helios (sun), Selene (moon), and Eos (dawn). The fifth-century BCE poet Pindar further connected Theia with the light that shines off of gold, as well as with athletic competitions:
Orion - Mythopedia
Aug 29, 2023 · Orion was a prolific lover. He had a wife named Side, about whom nothing is known except that she was cast into Hades for boasting that she rivaled the goddess Hera in beauty. Orion also had many lovers, including Eos, the rosy goddess of dawn, and a Chian girl named Merope. Orion’s various unions gave him many children.
Ares – Mythopedia
Apr 12, 2023 · Ares and Aphrodite were famously jealous and sometimes unjustly punished their rival lovers. For example, after Ares slept with Eos, the goddess of dawn, Aphrodite cursed Eos to be forever in love with someone else. And when Aphrodite fell in love with Adonis, Ares turned himself into a boar and gored the young man to death.
Artemis - Mythopedia
Apr 13, 2023 · In others still, Orion fell in love with Eos, the goddess of dawn, and Artemis killed him out of jealousy. Diana Mourning the Death of Orion by Etienne Delaune (1547–1548). Rijksmuseum Public Domain. A more nuanced variant had Apollo inciting the clash between Artemis and Orion.
Celtic Gods - Mythopedia
Nov 29, 2022 · The Celtic gods and goddesses are a vast group of deities who were worshipped by the ancient Celtic tribes. Their names and attributes varied between languages and locations, with some deities worshipped by all tribes while others were specific to …
Nyx - Mythopedia
Mar 9, 2023 · Nyx is already present in Greek literature as early as Homer (eighth century BCE), appearing in Book 14 of the Iliad as a goddess even Zeus does not wish to anger (258–61). Hesiod (eighth/seventh century BCE) gives a fuller oultine of Nyx’s origins and cosmogonic role in his Theogony (123ff), probably the most important ancient source for ...