Page d'accueil du site | École normale supérieure de Lyon
L’agglomération lyonnaise compte deux projets en sciences biologiques, portés par deux membres de l’ENS de Lyon, Marie-Cécile Caillaud (RDP, ENS de Lyon/CNRS/INRAE) et Aurèle Piazza (LBMC, ENS de Lyon/CNRS).
Home | Site Ens international - École normale supérieure de Lyon
ENS de Lyon is home to numerous research laboratories in the fields of exact sciences, social sciences and the humanities. Research activity at ENS de Lyon is reflected in the number of publications and citations of its researchers, projects funded, numerous scientific events, etc.
Admission | Site Ens international - École normale supérieure de …
Here are some information and advice to best prepare your stay at ENS de Lyon: Welcome days and administrative procedures (visa and residence permit, application for student residences, health insurance...).
Courses in English | Site Ens international
Spotlight on the steps taken by ENS de Lyon; Awareness; Fight against LGBT+ Phobia; Process; Training; Professional equality; Sustainability; International students and scholars; Networks and partnerships; Working at ENS de Lyon. Academic and Research Positions. Faculty positions by competitive examination; Other teaching and research positions ...
Site Ens international - École normale supérieure de Lyon
ENS de Lyon and its partners offer scholarships (Ampère, GRADUATE +) for excellent international students to enrol in Master's programs. For thorough guidance on the choice of Master's degree, please read carefully the Master's programs description .
Application for ENS Diploma - direct admission (from Bachelor 3rd …
To apply for the 1st year of ENS de Lyon diploma: Justify a L2 registration (2nd year of degree) or a certificate validating L2. In the event of admission, you will need to justify an achievement of 120 ECTS, the following year.
Eiffel Excellence Scholarship Program - Application for 2025-2026
For PhD students, in case of joint PhD or co-supervision, the agreement must be already approved between ENS de Lyon and the partner University at the time of application. 2025 Campaign Timeline - Apply online - CLOSED
Master's programs | Site Ens international
ENS de Lyon 15 parvis René Descartes BP 7000 69342 Lyon Cedex 07 FRANCE. Tel. Descartes Campus (head office): +33 (0) 4 37 37 60 00 Tel. Monod Campus: +33 (0) 4 72 72 80 00. Contact us; Administrative contacts; People finder (Directory in French) Alumni ENS de Lyon; Useful links. Maps and Directions;
International students: Application for Scholarship of excellence …
2024年2月12日 · The Ampère Scholarships of Excellence of the ENS de Lyon provide students with the opportunity to enrol in one of the ENS de Lyon Masters programs in the Exact Sciences, the Arts or the Human and Social Sciences. The financial support is …
Site Ens international - École normale supérieure de Lyon
2024年7月22日 · Here is some useful information to help you kick start your academic journey at ENS de Lyon. Find out more about welcoming new staff. Students Registration and re-enrollment at ENS de Lyon