GBT minimizes the use of power and hand instrumentation. AIRFLOW ® is minimally invasive on all types of dental tissues: dentine, cementum, enamel and gums. Minimal abrasion for maximum comfort: GBT enables the patient to enjoy natural teeth and implants for much longer.
GBT | EMS Dental
Guided Biofilm Therapy(GBT)は、エアフロー、ペリオフロー、ピエゾン 技術を用いた、プロによる歯面清掃のバイオフィルム除去ソリューションです。科学的エビデンスに基づいてEMSが提唱しています。
Guided Biofilm Therapy - EMS Dental
GBT ist der systematische Ansatz zur Prävention und Erhaltung sämtlicher kieferorthopädischer Apparaturen. GBT verhindert Gingivahyperplasie, Gingivitis und Rezession. GBT hilft, White Spots und Karies frühzeitig zu erkennen und diesen vorzubeugen.
GBT Certified | EMS Dental
Open the door to a wealth of new opportunities as a GBT Certified Practice! You will become part of an exclusive global network of passionate dental professionals performing dental prophylaxis at the highest possible standards.
Guided Biofilm Therapy - EMS Dental
GBT è il nuovo approccio nella profilassi professionale per il “biofilm management”, la gestione del biofilm. GBT è alla base di una prevenzione efficace di malattie parodontali e perimplantari.
Guided Biofilm Therapy - EMS Dental
GBT umożliwia wczesne wykrywanie i późniejsze zapobieganie białym plamom demineralizacyjnym i próchnicy. GBT utrzymuje integralność aparatów ortodontycznych, przez co ogranicza gromadzenie się biofilmu.
Guided Biofilm Therapy - EMS Dental
La GBT est la nouvelle approche pour le traitement du biofilm dans le cadre d’une prophylaxie professionnelle. La GBT constitue la base d’une prévention réussie des maladies parodontales et péri-implantaires.
GBT e-learning platform | EMS Dental
Our platform offers a range of courses that cover various topics related to GBT, including a revision of all the steps, clinical cases, best practice, and perio. New modules will be released regularly based on the latest advancements in the dental field and on topics suggested by you and your peers.
Guided Biofilm Therapy - EMS Dental
GBT(Guided Biofilm Therapy)는 최첨단 기술인 에어플로우와 페리오플로우, 피에존을 통해 구강 내 질환의 원인균인 바이오필름을 체계적이고 예측 가능하도록 제거 및 관리하는 전문 솔루션입니다. 많은 임상 논문으로 그 효능이 입증되었습니다.
GBT Certified - EMS Dental
gbt 인증 치과는 gbt 프로토콜을 활용하여 예방 및 유지 관리 치료를 하는 치과로써, 스위스 퀄리티를 기준으로 ems의 공식 인증을 받습니다. 안전하고, 빠르고, 편안한 치료를 통해 치아, 임플란트 및 치주의 건강을 지키는 GBT 인증 치과가 되시고 수많은 혜택을 ...