E-2D Advanced Hawkeye - Northrop Grumman
E-2D is the premier Airborne Command and Control surveillance platform for the protection of nations, including land-locked ones. Currently, Japan, France, Egypt and Taiwan are operating E-2 platforms. With 70 E-2Ds currently supporting global operations, the Advanced Hawkeye is the largest Airborne Command & Control community in the world.
Grumman E-2 Hawkeye - Wikipedia
The Northrop Grumman E-2 Hawkeye is an American all-weather, carrier-capable tactical airborne early warning (AEW) aircraft.
E-2D Advanced Hawkeye (AHE) - NAVAIR
It features a state-of-the-art radar with a two-generation leap in capability and upgraded aircraft systems that will improve supportability and increase readiness. The E-2D continues the Navy’s...
Northrop Grumman To Modernize Cockpit and Mission Solutions for E-2D ...
2023年10月3日 · Northrop Grumman’s E-2D Advanced Hawkeye is the latest in a line of Airborne Early Warning & Control aircraft that stretches back over 60 years. The E-2 platform is the foundation for the world’s premier airborne battle management command and control systems, effective over land and sea.
Northrop Grumman To Modernize Cockpit and Mission ... - Naval …
2023年10月3日 · Northrop Grumman’s E-2D Advanced Hawkeye is the latest in a line of Airborne Early Warning & Control aircraft that stretches back over 60 years. The E-2 platform is the foundation for the world’s premier airborne battle management command and control systems, effective over land and sea.
E-2D舰载预警机作战能力解析 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
E-2D“先进鹰眼”预警机是美国 诺斯罗普·格鲁曼公司 为美国海军研制的新一代舰载预警指挥机。 该机是美国海军现役E-2C “鹰眼”-2000舰载预警指挥机的重大改进型,计划用来取代美国海军现役的E-2C,作为美国海军2020年及以远航母舰载机联队编成构想中的关键组成机种之一,执行预警指挥、作战管理、战区一体化防空反导、信息分发等任务。 E-2D预警机采用开放式架构,在E-2C“鹰眼”-2000的基础上大幅改进了机载雷达系统,装备了新型玻璃数字化战术座舱,并更新导航模 …
E-2D“高级鹰眼”预警机 - 百度百科
2022年,1架美国海军的E-2D 高级鹰眼预警机(Advanced Hawkeye)在弗吉尼亚州海岸坠毁,造成1名机组人员死亡,另外两人受伤。 据美国《陆军时报》报道,还不清楚这架高级鹰眼预警机的所属单位,但美国海军的一份声明中说,它是东海岸的指挥和控制中队 ,坠毁地点在诺福克海军基地东北部的瓦勒普斯岛和海滨小镇钦科蒂格附近。 美军表示,1名机组人员死在自己的座椅上,另外2人生还,被海岸警卫队搜救人员救出,没有生命危险。 据介绍,E-2D 高级鹰眼预警机的 …
Significant changes to this variant of the E-2 include: upgraded engines to provide increased electrical power and cooling relative to current E-2C aircraft; a strengthened fuselage to support increased aircraft weight; replacement of the radar system, communications suite, and mission computer; and incorporation of an all-glass cockpit, which ...
美国装备志——E-2D预警机 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
E-2D预警机做为前级E-2C的升级改进型,装备了新型雷达、数字化座舱、开放式任务系统以及发动机控制系统,战斗力大为提升。 美国未来使用的新型舰载预警指挥机中队由五架E-2D组 …
Northrop Wins $1.5B E-2D Hawkeye Contract for US Navy, Japan
2024年7月23日 · Northrop Grumman has received a $1.5-billion contract to deliver E-2D Advanced Hawkeye aircraft to the US Navy and Japan. A recent US Department of Defense (DoD) announcement states that the company will produce nine new Hawkeyes: four for the navy and five for Tokyo. It will also provide associated support services to both customers.
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