E-3PO | Wookieepedia | Fandom
E-3PO units were a subset of the 3PO-series protocol droid line. Developed for Imperial use, E-3POs possessed the TechSpan I propriety module, which allowed them to interface with a …
E-3PO (Bespin) | Wookieepedia | Fandom
E-3PO [7] was a silver [6] 3PO-series protocol droid [2] with yellow photoreceptors who was present in Cloud City, a tibanna gas mining colony that floated in the Life Zone of the planet …
E-3PO: The Rude Protocol Droid - The Imperial Talker
2020年1月14日 · The moment in The Empire Strikes Back is brief but memorable, a short exchange between protocol droids. Having just landed on Cloud City, and meeting Lando …
E-3PO - Databank - 星球大战中文网 Star Wars China - Powered …
2009年4月3日 · Most E-3POs looked down on their fellow droids, particularly civilian-issue models with obvious after-market additions intended to stave off obsolescence. E-3PO是礼仪机器人中 …
E-3PO - スター・ウォーズの鉄人!
E-3PO ユニットは、 3POシリーズ・プロトコル・ドロイド の1機種である。 帝国仕様に開発されたE-3POは、 銀河帝国 で使用されている広範囲のネットワークと相互接続可能な テクス …
E-3PO - Lego Star Wars Wiki
E-3PO was a 3PO droid, part of the 3PO series Protocol droids manufactured by Cybot Galactica. E-3PO worked at Cloud City, leading C-3PO into a room full of Storm Troopers where C-3PO …
E-3PO | Droids Wiki | Fandom
E-3PO was a protocol droid that was owned by the HumanKorlana Toryn. During the Clone Wars, Toryn was sent into hiding on the moon Nar Shaddaa by her father, Senator Jasso Toryn, and …
E-3PO - Star Wars Canon Extended Wikia
E-3PO was a silver 3PO protocol droid who was present in in Cloud City, a tibanna gas mining colony that floated in the Life Zone of the planet Bespin, shortly after the Battle of Hoth. After …
E-3PO | Jedipedia | Fandom
E-3PO war ein Protokolldroide der 3PO-Serie, der dem Galaktischen Imperium diente. Nachdem der Kopfgeldjäger Boba Fett den Millenium Falken bis in die Wolkenstadt auf Bespin verfolgt …
E-3PO (Bespin) | Wookieepedia | Fandom
E-3PO was an E-3PO protocol droid in the service of the Galactic Empire. Attached to Death Squadron, E-3PO was transported to Cloud City in 3 ABY to serve as translator liaison with …