Opinions on the Dynaco 400 series solid-state amps (410, 416, etc)
Feb 7, 2020 · I'm possibly in the market for a good bang-for-your-buck vintage solid-state power amp. I like my current Jolida 1000p, but the tubes I like are very expensive, and they don't last long. What are some opinions on the Dynaco 400 series? 200 watts per channel, vintage solid-state, pretty cheap used.
Dynaco guidance - Steve Hoffman Music Forums
Sep 25, 2020 · Dynaco SS gear is not generally all that well thought of. At least this is true with the Pat 4 and Pat 5 preamps. Most mods of these preamps usually completely gut the chassis and throw a new tube design in the chassis.
Dynaco Pas 3 question | Page 2 | Steve Hoffman Music Forums
May 9, 2024 · Dynaco equipment is like the Model T of audio....mass produced, surprisingly good within limits, easy to repair/restore/modify. I believe that audio, like most hobbies, has a point of diminishing returns, beyond which one has to spend every increasing amounts of money for incrementally smaller improvements.
Dynaco PAT-4 Upgrade | Steve Hoffman Music Forums
May 24, 2010 · On the upstairs second system, the Dynaco PAS-3X was taken out and the PAT-4 installed. Paired with the McIntosh MC-250, this could have been a fairly common solid-state system back in 1969! The sound was certainly different than the previous preamplifier as this classic all solid-state combination was faster and had deeper bass.
What are the reasons to pass on a Dynaco MK III?
Aug 17, 2017 · The other compelling option I have been looking at is a pair of MC30's. They cost about three times as much as the Dynaco option and have half the power. The other benefit of the Dynaco is that at 60 watts, I could use them with a pair of Paradigm Studio 100's I have in storage if I didn't like them better than the Fisher.
Modern Equivalent Of Dynaco A25...? - Steve Hoffman Music Forums
Aug 25, 2016 · the dynaco a 25 do have good solid bass, somewhat loose though. adding a subwoofer to the atc scm7 will add much of the missing weight tbh. if I A-B the dynaco to the atc scm7 + sub, theres not much the a-25 do better except higher spl …
Modern Equivalent Of Dynaco A25...? - Steve Hoffman Music Forums
Aug 25, 2016 · The OLD Wharfedales were very-similar to the Dynacos in terms of the midrange. The ones from their heyday with the cone-tweeters are probably the most-Dynaco-like, oddly-enough, but that's because they used ported/vented designs and alnico drivers. 3. vented (or ported) bass-response with a Dynaco-like sound - Woofer-size may come into play here.
Dynaco pat 4 pre-amp...worth spending a couple of hundred to …
Oct 6, 2013 · The Dynaco PAT-4 - in stock form - is one of the harsher bits of gear I've heard. I've owned three of them - one back in 1990 as a cheap stand-in for a preamplifier when I was broker than a church mouse.
Preamp for Dynaco ST-70 Clone | Steve Hoffman Music Forums
Apr 24, 2017 · Dynaco PAS would be the natural partner - also lots of modifications and parts out there for this preamp. A stock PAS - especially with aged parts - can sound rather "tubey" / overly warm, but a new power supply cap, plus coupling caps really helps. I recently built a "new" Dynaco PAS that has all new parts, including the chassis, for ~$500.
Bypassing tone controls from Dyna Pas preamp
Feb 6, 2011 · Oh, and be careful with that soldering iron, it's way too easy to damage the old Dynaco circuit boards. The green fiberglass ones are somewhat more durable, but the brown phenolic ones are quite fragile, the copper trace will lift right off the board if you're not very quick and very careful when applying heat.