notepad++ - Aliases in Windows command prompt - Stack Overflow
Edit (responding to Romonov's comment) Q: Is there any way I can make the command prompt remember so I don't have to run this each time I open a new command prompt? doskey is a textual command that is interpreted by the command processor (e.g. cmd.exe), it can't know to modify state in some other process (especially one that hasn't started yet).
DOSKEY alias does not work in batch script (Windows 7)
2016年4月14日 · The question is about "DOSKEY alias", not about the doskey command itself. Although you may run doskkey command in a Batch file (for example, to define an alias or macro), the use of a doskey ALIAS or macro does not use the …
How do you write comments in doskey macro files?
I ended up splitting related commands into separate macro files, and running a bat-script to load them all. The bat-file then contains REM comments, while the doskey macro files are entirely comment-free. REM Macros that deal with the XYZ project doskey /macrofile=XYZ_macros.txt (It is like a combination of James Broadhead's and eduffy's ...
windows - How to remove a doskey macro? - Stack Overflow
2015年6月3日 · I have created a doskey macro I want to remove. How do I delete it? How can I see all the macros I have created?
How to get full command from doskey alias in Windows PowerShell
2019年3月11日 · doskey is a utility primarily designed to work with cmd.exe, not PowerShell. PowerShell has better functionality built in, in the form of aliases and functions, and in Windows 10 you must even deactivate PowerShell's own command-line editing to …
Set aliases in PowerShell using doskey macros - Stack Overflow
2017年1月19日 · Is this possible? I have tried this blog, but it doesn't work. I have a macrofile with about 50 or so doskey macros, which is used in cmd.exe. I run something like: doskey /exename=powershell.exe /
windows - Print all existing doskeys - Stack Overflow
2017年2月25日 · Windows uses doskey to do something like Unix's alias. To display all existing Unix aliases I can simply type alias with no arguments. However, on Windows, typing doskey with no arguments does noth...
windows cmd(clink) doskey, how to copy the current directory to ...
2014年8月4日 · windows cmd (clink) doskey, how to copy the current directory to clipboard, prepended by "cd"?
How to define a DOSKEY alias for multiple commands?
2017年11月27日 · Following on from an answer to this question For the Windows command prompt I can define aliases as follows: @echo off DOSKEY ns=npm start DOSKEY nsr=npm run serve I want to define an alias tha...
How to pass command line arguments to a PowerShell script …
2020年6月1日 · I have a caller.cmd file which has a DOSKEY set like this: DOSKEY startnow=call powershell getscalled.ps1 Now the script getscalled.ps1 has two switch parameters defined in parameter sets like...