Dorsal vs Posterior and Ventral vs Anterior - Biology Stack Exchange
2017年2月27日 · Dorsal (from Latin dorsum meaning "back") refers to the body region/"side" opposite that of ventral (and typically called the "back"). Anterior (from Latin ante meaning …
For the human head, which direction is anterior, and which …
Because of this, anterior is normally the same direction as ventral and posterior normally the same as dorsal - fig. 2. Figure 2: Normal directions in humans Cranial anatomy is a special …
What is the difference between the neural tube and the dorsal …
The dorsal - ventral axis (back to abdominal side) can be visualized by dissecting the neural tube transversely (Fig. 2). This axis is important for development. In the spinal cord, for instance, …
Using anatomical terms for human organs and parts of plants
2017年2月4日 · Ventral -> "belly" side Dorsal -> "back" side Anterior -> "before" or "toward the front" Posterior -> "after" or coming after (opposite to) the anterior For body organs (or other …
human biology - Why is the opposite of plantar flexion called ...
The dorsal side of the upper and lower extremity begin on the dorsal/posterior surface of the body. However, during the 6-8th weeks of development, both the upper and lower extremity will turn …
human biology - Why is the chordate nerve cord described as …
2021年4月21日 · My textbook says arthropods have a double, ventral, solid nerve cord. And chordates have a single, dorsal, hollow nerve cord. What is hollow exactly in a cord that looks …
Ventral View VS Dorsal View in cell experiments
2022年2月18日 · Ventral View VS Dorsal View in cell experiments. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 9 months ago. Modified 2 ...
Front versus back in animal anatomy - Biology Stack Exchange
2015年11月13日 · $\begingroup$ @vervet I think the first paragraph ("musculature of the front closes or curls up the belly") makes it clear the question is about a ventral/dorsal distinction. I …
Hypothalamus and posterior pituitary gland in ADH production
2022年1月21日 · Dorsal vs Posterior and Ventral vs Anterior. 5. Melatonin production, sleep, and "cyan light"; how might ...
human biology - Ligaments at the posterior superior iliac spine ...
First, re: what a ligament is, you're correct in your understanding that ligaments generally bind bones to bones (vs. tendons), but the term is used more broadly as connective tissue that …