Why shouldn't you strain a bowel movement after cataract surgery?
Sep 30, 2012 · After surgery: Bowel movements should not be a problem after surgery. You do need to avoid heavy lifting and strenuous activity though to avoid causing issues with your surgery. Answered 11/13/2020
do cataracts cause pain in eyes and headaches? | HealthTap
Oct 24, 2019 · I have bad eyes; -975, must wear my glasses for 10 days b4 cataract surgery instead of rgp contacts. Now I have headache & pain behind the eye. Headache following cataract surgery. Recurring pinpoint pain in brow over left eye. Never experienced before. My husband is getting headaches behind the eye.
What can be done for cataract surgery gone wrong | HealthTap
Does it hurt to get a cataract surgery done? 12 doctors weighed in across 5 answers. A member asked: Is ...
how much pain with cataract removal surgery? | HealthTap
May 1, 2021 · Minimal: With modern cataract surgery techniques pain either during or after the surgery is generally very mild or even absent. Some patients will experience a mild foreign body sensation or scratching feeling for a day or two, and some have a very mild pressure feeling.
does cataract extraction hurt afterwards? - HealthTap
Jul 5, 2012 · Minimal discomfort: Typically there is minimal to no discomfort following cataract surgery is the norm. It can be scratchy and irritated us
does it hurt to get a cataract surgery done? - HealthTap
Jun 20, 2016 · No: Modern techniques for cataract treatment are terrific and pain free. You will be gently treated, not be aware of the anti-pain premedic
What to do if i am blind in one eye and cataract in the ... - HealthTap
Nov 8, 2014 · Ophthalmologist: If the cataract is causing enough of a problem that it interferes with your ability to function then cataract surgery is indicated. It does not hurt the eye to have a cataract (clouded lens) but it does interfer with clear vision. Fortunately cataract surgery has a very good success rate.
do anesthesia shots for eyelid surgery hurt? | HealthTap
Sep 12, 2018 · I am 68 years and my eye doctor wants to do tear duct surgery which will require thirty minutes of general anesthesia. I am concerned about cognitive problems after surgery. Is my age a problem for anesthesia or do think it would be safe? Can I do the cataract eye surgery in a hospital under general anesthesia?
is cataract surgery an in-patient or out-patient procedure? how …
Aug 19, 2020 · Cataract surgery: Cataract surgery is typically an outpatient procedure and most are done in outpatient surgical centers (some are still done in the hospital). Typically there is not hospital stay, the surgery takes about 5 minutes, and you are there fro about 30-40 minutes. If you can put drops in your eyes, you should not need a care giver at ...
will it hurt eyes to vomit after cataract surgery? | HealthTap
May 20, 2018 · Will it hurt my eye to fly 5 days after cataract surgery? Should i be concerned if my son was born with cataracts, and is having surgery. Im wanting to know how other kids eyes turned out? My mom had a cataract surgery a year ago, but her eyes are still watery. Is this normal? Am i a good candidate for cataract surgery at my age?