Diverting Ostomy: For Whom, When, What, Where, and Why
Throughout this article, we have analyzed the most recent literature and discussed the most common applications for the use of a diverting stoma. These include construction of diverting ileostomy or colostomy, ostomy for low colorectal/coloanal anastomosis, inflammatory bowel disease, diverticular disease, and obstructing colorectal cancer.
Overview of surgical ostomy for fecal diversion - UpToDate
An ostomy can be created virtually anywhere along the gastrointestinal tract. For diversion of the fecal stream, the most common ostomies involve the distal small intestine (eg, ileostomy) and large intestine (ie, colostomy).
Loop Colostomy: Procedure, Recovery, Risks & Benefits - Cleveland Clinic
You may need a diverting loop colostomy if your colon is recovering from injury, surgery or infection. The colostomy diverts your poop away from the site of the trauma to avoid contamination and give that part of your colon some relief from its usual duties.
Colostomy Types | American Cancer Society
Some of the colon problems that can lead to a transverse colostomy include: Diverticulitis. This is inflammation of diverticula (little sacs along the colon). It can cause abscesses, scarring with stricture (abnormal narrowing), or rupture of the colon and infection in severe cases.
Diverting colostomy is an effective and reversible option for …
Diverting colostomy is a very effective method in the remission of refractory hemorrhagic CRP. Stoma can be reversed, and anorectal functions can be recovered after reversal. Keywords: Chronic radiation proctitis, Hemorrhage, Colostomy, Anorectal function, Quality of life.
Colostomy - Johns Hopkins Medicine
A colostomy is surgery to create an opening for the colon (large intestine) through the belly (abdomen). A colostomy may be short-term (temporary) or long-term (permanent). It's often done after bowel surgery or injury. Most permanent colostomies are end colostomies.
Diversion colitis: Management - UpToDate
Diversion colitis or diversion proctitis is a nonspecific inflammatory disorder that occurs in segments of the colon and rectum that are diverted from the fecal stream by surgery (eg, creation of a loop colostomy/ileostomy or an end colostomy/ileostomy with closure of the distal colon segment [eg, Hartmann's procedure]).
Laparoscopic Diverting Colostomies: Formation and Reversal
2016年7月24日 · Diverting colostomies may be indicated by any combination of distally located pathology (i.e., malignancy, obstruction, sepsis, fistula, inflammatory bowel disease [IBD]), functional disorders (i.e., pelvic floor or anal sphincter dysfunction), or recent or concurrent surgical procedure.
Laparoscopic Diverting Colostomies: Formation and Reversal
2016年6月4日 · Diverting colostomies may be indicated by any combination of distally located pathology (i.e., malignancy, obstruction, sepsis, fistula, inflammatory bowel disease [IBD]), functional disorders (i.e., pelvic floor or anal sphincter dysfunction), or recent or concurrent surgical procedure.
Colostomy: What It Is, Bags, Surgery, Types & Care - Cleveland Clinic
There are different types of colostomy depending on how much of your intestine needs to be removed. What is a colostomy? A colostomy is a surgery that changes the way stool (poop) exits your body. During the procedure, a surgeon creates a hole (stoma) in your abdominal (belly) wall. They then connect a portion of your colon to it.