Specimen Type: DISTAL PANCREATECTOMY Gross Template: Labeled with the patient’s name (***), medical record number (***), designated “***”, and received [fresh/in formalin] is an [intact/disrupted] distal pancreatectomy [provide orientation]. The distal pancreas measures *** cm in length x *** x *** cm in cross sections. The [attached/
Pancreas (Distal) | Gross Pathology Manual - University of Chicago
Cut pancreas perpendicular to the main pancreatic duct. Fix in formalin or gross fresh. Shave, serially section and submit proximal pancreatic resection margin. Describe and measure the pancreas and tumor (each in three dimensions). Describe whether lesion involves the main pancreatic duct and/or the side ducts.
Pathology Outlines - Grossing
2023年3月22日 · Pancreas - Grossing describes how to gross specimens obtained from pancreaticoduodenectomy, distal pancreatectomy and total pancreatectomy procedures
Whipple Grossing Techniques • Bivalve: default for all, but especially ampullary, duodenal, and bile duct tumors • Axial: pancreas primary tumors (except . intraductal/mucinous neoplasms) • Bread loaf
Cutting Manual - University of Michigan
Grossing Rectal Neoplasms: Abdominal Perineal Resections (APR), Low Anterior Resections (LAR) and other Rectal Resections
Grossing of distal pancreatectomy specimens, Surgical …
2020年12月31日 · The grossing of distal pancreatectomy specimens can be performed as follows: 1. Orientation of the specimen, either by markings applied by the operating surgeon or by using the splenic vessels, which run behind the upper border of the pancreas.
It consists of is an [intact/disrupted***] distal pancreatectomy [provide orientation/unoriented***]. The distal pancreas measures [***] cm in length x [*** x ***] cm in cross sections.
GASTROINTESTINAL PATHOLOGY GROSSING GUIDELINES Page | 1 Specimen Type: PANCREATICODUODENECTOMY (Whipple Procedure) Procedure: 1. Describe the organs included in the resection. These usually include the pancreatic head, common bile duct (mostly intrapancreatic), and small bowel. Distal potion of stomach may be included for standard …
Liszka Ł, Mrowiec S, Kuśnierz K, Kajor M. Standardized grossing protocol is useful for the pathology reporting of malignant neoplasms other than adenocarcinomas treated with pancreaticoduodenectomy.
The above-mentioned technique for the grossing of distal pancreatectomy specimens is straightfor-ward and independent of anatomical variants, and therefore easily reproducible, resulting in highly standardized grossing of DP specimens.