- Fossil bones of Cretaceous dinosaurs sometimes have bite marks inflicted by theropods which can tell us about how these predators fed. Most of these bite marks are the result of kills or scavenging.museum.wa.gov.au/explore/dinosaur-discovery/bite-marks
Episode 476: Dino Trace Fossils Part 2: Bite Marks, …
Episode 476: Dino Trace Fossils Part 2: Bite Marks, burrows, scars, and more. Every stage in a dinosaur’s life left behind trace fossils: claw marks from a parent excavating a burrow, eggshells left by hatchlings, fossilized digested food, …
Bone Bite Marks Reveal Dinosaur Predator-Prey …
2023年12月6日 · Paleontologists have conducted a study scrutinizing bite marks left by meat-eating dinosaurs on the bones of sauropods — the familiar plant-eating dinosaurs with long necks, long tails and four...
This dinosaur may have been a cannibal, gnarly bite …
2020年5月27日 · A remarkable 29 percent of 2,368 fossil bones unearthed since 1981 from the late Jurassic Mygatt-Moore Quarry have bite marks on them; this is six times more than is typically found at similar...
Tyrannosaurs bit each other's faces in dino fight clubs
2021年9月9日 · The team determined how big the "victims" and the "biters" were by comparing the spacing between their teeth, according to the skulls and the bite marks on them.
Bone bite marks reveal dinosaur predator-prey dynamics
2023年11月16日 · On the perilous Jurassic Period landscape of western North America, it was good to be big. Your life may have depended upon it.
Dinosaur cannibalism was real, and Colorado …
2020年5月29日 · A series of bite marks on fossilized bones from present-day Colorado reveal that the Jurassic dinosaur Allosaurus was not above eating members of its own species.
A Crocodilian Took a Bite Out of a Pterosaur 76 Million Years Ago
Bite and tooth marks on sauropod dinosaurs from the …
2023年5月1日 · Our personal survey of the numerous bite marks left on sauropod bones revealed the scarcity of these minute striations, even in well-preserved bones with clear tooth marks.
Bone bite marks reveal dinosaur predator-prey dynamics
2023年11月17日 · Paleontologists have conducted a study scrutinizing bite marks left by meat-eating dinosaurs on the bones of sauropods - the familiar plant-eating dinosaurs with long necks, long tails and four...