Pinus densiflora - Wikipedia
Pinus densiflora, also called the Japanese red pine, [3] the Japanese pine, [4] or Korean red pine, [5] is a species of pine tree native to East Asia and Siberia. In China, the plant is known as 赤松 (pinyin: chì sōng, literally "red pine").
赤松(Pinus densiflora Siebold & Zucc.)是松科松属 [7] 乔木。 枝形成伞状树冠;一年生枝淡黄色或红黄色,微被白粉且无毛,边缘有细锯齿;雄球花淡红黄色,圆筒形,聚生于新枝下部呈短穗状,雌球花淡红紫色;球果暗黄褐色或淡褐黄色,卵圆形或卵状圆锥形;种子倒卵状椭圆形或卵圆形;花期4月;果期第二年9月下旬至10月。 [8] 因其树皮为赤褐色,故而得名。 [9] 赤松原产于中国、日本和俄罗斯, [10] 主要分布于中国黑龙江东部,吉林长白山区、辽宁中部至辽东半岛、 …
赤松 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
赤松 (Pinus densiflora),是一種常綠 針葉 類 喬木。 可做薪柴用。 常绿 乔木,高达30~40米,红褐色树皮较薄。 一年生枝橙黄色,微被蜡粉。 幼年发育均匀,树形整齐,老年则虬枝宛垂,渐呈不规则状,大枝平展,树冠伞形。 叶2针一束,丛生短枝上,较马尾松针稍短稍硬,长5~12厘米。 3~4月间开花,雄球花圆柱形密集,雌球花单生。 球果 圆锥形状卵形,翌年10月成熟,淡褐黄色,鳞脐有短刺。 种子具披针形长翅。 原產地位於 日本 、 台灣 、 朝鮮半島 、 …
Pinus densiflora (Japanese Red Pine) - Gardenia
Highly popular in Japan, Pinus densiflora (Japanese Red Pine) is a remarkable evergreen coniferous tree of straight to gracefully contorted habit with rather horizontal branches and a domed crown. The foliage of soft, light green needles is presented in small, upright bouquets at the ends of the twigs.
Pinus densiflora - Plant Finder - Missouri Botanical Garden
Pinus densiflora, commonly called Japanese red pine, is a large pine native to rocky slopes, hillsides, and lakeshores in Japan, Korea, northeastern China and far southeastern Russia.
千头赤松( Pinus densiflora cv.Umbraculifera),松科。 分布于黑龙江东部(鸡西、东宁)、吉林长白山区、辽宁中部至辽东半岛、山东胶东地区及江苏东北部云台山区。
Pinus densiflora | Landscape Plants | Oregon State University
densiflora: densely flowered, a reference to the large number of cones it produces. Eugene, Univ. of Oregon: northwest of Art Museum. Portland, Hoyt Arboretum.
赤松 | Pinus densiflora | 科技研花图画书
赤松(学名:Pinus densiflora)是松科松属的常绿针叶乔木,原产于日本、韩国和中国。 它在日语中也被称为メマツ(雌松)或 女松(オンナマツ),英文名为Japanese Red Pine(日本红松)。
Pinus densiflora – Purdue Arboretum Explorer
This species is outstanding for its landscape interest, making a uniquely picturesque specimen. Other species are better choices for screening. Building Map...
Pinus densiflora (アカマツ, Japanese red pine) description - The …
2025年2月10日 · Description of the evolution, biology, distribution, ecology, and uses of Pinus densiflora (アカマツ, Japanese red pine).