Digital Elevation/Terrain Model (DEM) | NASA Earthdata
5 days ago · A digital elevation model (DEM) is a three-dimensional graphic of the "bare earth" surface of land shown without trees, buildings or other objects. DEMs can be created using …
我想下载且只想下载某个省份的DEM数据,该如何下载? - 知乎
另,此dem数据为30m精度的数据,即:aster gdem 30m 分辨率数字高程数据。 广东DEM 另,如果需要3D效果需要用到ArcScene进行操作,简单制成下图的效果的可参考下面了解进行学习。
到底什么是DEM?如何获取该数据? - 知乎
TanDEM-X DEM数据由TerraSAR-X(TSX)和TanDem-X(TDX)卫星组成的双星系统对地观测数据制作得到。 TerraSAR-X卫星于2007年6月15日发射升空,TanDEM-X卫星于2010年6月21日 …
NASADEM: Creating a New NASA Digital Elevation Model and …
NASADEM is a significant improvement over the available three-arcsecond SRTM DEM primarily because it will provide a global DEM and associated products at one-arcsecond spacing. …
New in CSDA: High Resolution Digital Elevation Models
Dec 7, 2021 · DEM derived from Maxar imagery. Credit: EarthDEM Project. NASA’s Commercial SmallSat Data Acquisition ( CSDA ) program and the Polar Geospatial Center (PGC) at the …
Create a DEM using Sentinel-1 Data | NASA Earthdata
Dec 3, 2024 · This recipe allows the user to create a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) product from two Sentinel-1 SLC scenes. The user first creates an interferogram, and completes the …
New Version of the ASTER GDEM | NASA Earthdata
Nov 4, 2020 · The first ASTER GDEM was released in 2009, with Version 2 being released in 2011. The ASTER GDEM Version 3 maintains the GeoTIFF format and the same gridding and …
ALOS PALSAR Radiometric Terrain Correction (RTC)
Most DEMs are geoid-based and require a conversion before they can be used for terrain correction. The DEM included with an ASF RTC product was converted from the orthometric …
海运中的滞期费 DEM 和滞留费 DET 分别是什么意思? - 知乎
1、DEM(DEMURRAGE CHARGES): 滞期费. 2、DET(Detention Charge):拘留费. 国贸 程租业务 中滞期费,就必然涉及买卖舍约。法院认为滞期费是因租船人不能在合同规定的装 …
SRTM | NASA Earthdata
Feb 11, 2000 · Used to gather topographic (elevation) data of Earth's surface, NASA's SRTM used interferometry.